1. compound; composite; multiple; re-; bi-
2. doubles (tennis, badminton, etc.)
3. place bet (in horse racing, etc.); show bet; bet that predicts a top 2 or top 3 finish (depending on number of horses, etc. in race)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (46 in total)
complex; complicated; intricate; mixed (feelings)
two-seater (e.g. aircraft)
compound interest
reproduction; duplication; reprinting
duplication; repetition; overlapping; redundancy; restoration
plural; multiple; several
composite; combined; complex
compound eyes
several times
copy; reproduction; replica; facsimile
complex number
multi-layered; multi-tiered; multi-storied
placing bets
double track; two-track line
double-entry (e.g. bookkeeping)
compound leaf; biplane
complex; complex (number)
compound expression
four-track rail line (two in each direction); quadruple railway track
compound note (on a harmonica)
multiple lines (of text, code, etc.)
double vision; polyopia
two-character surname (in China); compound surname; family name consisting of two combined names (in ancient Japan)
complex sentence; sentence with an independent clause and at least one dependent clause
diploid phase
double refraction; birefringence
double standard
double salt
double decomposition; metathesis
double-crosspiece cross (symbol for tuberculosis prevention)
compound drug
compound proportion
lined garment
multiple star
compound umbellate inflorescence; compound umbel
doubles (tennis, badminton, etc.)
composite algorithm
double sign; plus-minus sign; plus or minus sign
multiple parallel fermentation (esp. in sake brewing)
compound ratio; cross ratio; compound proportion