1. party; group; crew; team; body
2. company (of troops); corps; unit; squad
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (98 in total)
armed forces; military; troops
Japan Self-Defense Forces; JSDF; self-defence force; self-defense force
soldier; sailor
flying column; detached force
(naval) fleet; armada
riot police; riot squad
suicide corps
band; orchestra
force; unit; corps; squad; troops; party
commanding officer
troops; group members; team members
bodyguards; elite guards; Schutzstaffel; SS; groupies; ardent fans
garrison; guards
main body (of an army); main force; these troops
rank (of troops); file; column; formation
company, battery, troop
regiment of military policemen
squad; team
formation (e.g. of aircraft)
caravan (of merchants)
research team; investigative team; survey team; reconnaissance team; investigative commission; fact-finding party
enemy fleet
regimental soldier
commando unit
search party
(squad of) police; police force
advance party; advance team; advance group; vanguard unit
scouting party; patrol
battalion; large force
Marine Corps; Royal Marines
battle formation; disposition of troops
exploration party; expedition team
landing force
border patrol; border guard; border guards
flying corps; air force
military discharge
the entire force (of soldiers)
rescue team or party
flying corps
fire brigade; fire company
rank (of troops); line; formation; array; procession
quarters; barracks
special attack unit; kamikaze unit; suicide squad
advance party
attack forces
expeditionary force
Sturmabteilung; SA; Storm Troops; shock troops; storm troops
reserve corps
reconnoitering party; scout (army)
ambulance crew; ambulance squad; rescue squad
military police brigade (land army)
kiheitai (irregular militia during the Bakumatsu period)
transport corps; army service corps
detached force; detachment
police force; police squad
one's home unit
rescue squad; rescue party
military or naval band
relief party; rescue party
wintering party (team)
command group (behind the front lines)
chorus; choir
drum and fife band
air flotilla; air fleet; combat aviation unit of the Imperial Japanese Navy
advance troops; vanguard; advance contingent; leading unit
special attack unit; suicide squad; kamikaze unit
safari; troop of hunters
excavation team; dig team
shock corps
Unit 731 (biological warfare unit of the Japanese Imperial Army)
volunteer corps
disbanding (usu. a military unit); breaking up
merchant fleet
contingent; detachment
plain-clothes soldiers (esp. of the Chinese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War); mufti corps
medical corps
climbing expedition; mountaineering party
railway police (Japan); Railway Police Force
blackshirts (Italian fascist group); squadristi; camicie nere
mounted corps; cavalcade
group that goes ahead of the main body
imperial guards
international disaster relief team; international emergency aid unit