1. ancestor; forefather; progenitor
2. originator; pioneer; inventor; founder
3. grandfather
orig. meaning
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (24 in total)
founder of a religious sect
ancestor worshipped as a deity
sect founder
common ancestor
business started by an ancestor; inherited business
founder; progenitor; emperor
the ancestral Sun Goddess
exposition (propagation) of one's master's teachings or doctrines
true ancestor; var. of vampire (in fiction)
ancestral spirit; collective of ancestral spirits which have lost their individualities; ancestor deified as a kami; spirit of a kami
founder of a sect
ancestor who rejuvenated a dynasty or a family
founder of dynasty or sect
ancestor worshipped as a deity
mausoleum containing the remains of one's ancestors
protolanguage; parent language
founder of medical science
Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch; Platform Sutra
deceased grandfather; deceased father and grandfather; distant ancestor; forefather
ancestor of a feudal lord