1. food; foodstuff
2. eating; appetite
when read as "しょく"
3. meal; portion
when read as "しょく"
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
prey; victim
meat eating; eating of meat; meat diet; carnivorous
eating strange food; eating bizarre things; simple diet; plain food; eating meat (thus breaking Buddhist rules)
fasting; fast
one meal; one meal (a day)
two meals; (eating) two meals a day
simple diet; plain food; simple food; frugal meal
lunch; midday meal; food served at a tea party (tea ceremony)
announcing meals (at a Zen monastery); meal announcer; noh mask resembling a young attendant who announces mealtimes in a Zen monastery
holy men who abstain from meat and cooked food
egg-shaped glutinous rice ball (Heian, Kamakura periods); tray or container for serving rice balls
dining hall (at a temple)
simple diet; plain food; simple food; frugal meal
aphagia; non-eating
egg-shaped glutinous rice ball (Heian, Kamakura periods); tray or container for serving rice balls
resting after a meal is sacrosanct; (lit.) even if your parents have just died, take a rest after your meal
taishiki mode (one of the six main gagaku modes)
Examples (6 in total)
Tom is particular about what he eats.
Do you wash your hands before meals?
He furnished food to the hungry.