1. sect; denomination
2. tenets (of a religious sect)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (42 in total)
religion; religious affiliation; belief; religious activity
(religious) denomination; sect
sect founder
sect; denomination; school (e.g. of poetry)
Shingon sect (of Buddhism)
heresy; dangerous religion; (arch.) Christianity
Jōdo Shinshū
another sect
Kegon (sect of Buddhism)
Ōbaku school of Zen Buddhism
Tendai sect (of Buddhism)
Nichiren sect of Buddhism (sometimes specifically referring to the Hokke school of Nichiren); Tendai sect of Buddhism
Hosso sect of Buddhism (Japanese equivalent of the Chinese Faxiang sect)
(arch.) Zen (Buddhism); confusing style of middle-age Japanese poetry
religious conversion
Zen (Buddhism)
Shin Buddhism
Jishū sect (of Buddhism)
believer; follower
Pure Land sect (of Buddhism); Jodo (sect)
the study or science of religion; religious studies
doctrinal dispute (within or between religious schools)
denominational doctrine; doctrine of a sect
the same sect
Hosso sect of Buddhism (Japanese equivalent of the Chinese Faxiang sect)
Sanron sect (of Buddhism)
six sects of Buddhism brought to Japan during the Nara period (Sanlun, Satyasiddhi, Faxiang, Abhidharmakosha, Vinaya, and Huayan)
one's religious sect
study of religious doctrine
different religion or sect
believer of my denomination
World Conference of Religions for Peace
Zen (Buddhism)
Ritsu (school of Buddhism)
Hosso sect (of Buddhism)
Yuzu Nembutsu (school of Pure Land Buddhism)