1. word; remark; statement
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (16 in total)
single word; a few words; brief comment
(oral) message; declaration; hearsay; rumour; rumor
to have someone send (a message, parcel, etc.); to send (via someone else); to leave (a message) with someone; (arch.) to use as an excuse; (arch.) to make a pretext of
two words; repetition
verbal message; word (from someone); rumour; rumor
prattle; broken language; halting language; baby talk; imperfect speech; smattering
(verbal) message; sending word; (arch.) excuse; (arch.) pretext
(arch.) word; waka (classic Japanese poem, esp. a tanka)
three words
nonsense; silly talk; drivel; rubbish
the spoken words of the emperor or a noble
declaration; proclamation; mention
plain form (of waka)
words used when miserable or anxious; words used to decline or refuse something; words used when making an appeal
plain speech; direct speech
snide remark; sarcasm; indirect expression; roundabout saying
Examples (2 in total)
It is foolish to take his word seriously.
"Jesus said—" "I don't care."