1. lack; deficiency; vacancy
2. absence; non-attendance
Kanji used
lack of
Pitch accent
Top 34000
Used in vocabulary (20 in total)
indispensable; essential
oxygen deficiency; oxygen shortage; lack of oxygen
filling a vacancy; supplementation; substitute; deputy; alternate
having no money; lack of money
vacancy; vacant position
absence due to illness; sick leave
absence; not taking part
missing number
authorized absence; permission of absence from class(es)
running out of gasoline (petrol)
failure to pay one's compliments; omission of courtesy
intermittence; intermittent
removal; omission; lusting
omission of a character; omitted character; blank type; insertion of blank spaces before and after the names of dignitaries (as a sign of respect)
fragment (e.g. of works); incomplete set; incomplete state
to bridge a gap; to supply a lack
missing issue (of magazine)
missing part (of manuscript)
flight cancellation
Examples (5 in total)
I'm out of gas.
We ran out of gas on the way to the theater.
We ran out of gas on the way to downtown Tokyo.