1. sutra; Buddhist scriptures
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (42 in total)
The Five Classics (of Confucianism)
white kimono in which dead person is dressed
Lotus Sutra
Avatamska sutra
The Book of Changes; Yijing; I Ching
mock Buddhist sutra; type of fast-paced humorous singing mimicking the chanting of a Buddhist sutra, usually with lyrics satirizing current events; ahodarakyō
Sukhavati sutra
complete Buddhist scriptures
Sutra of Immeasurable Life
the Tripitaka (complete Buddhist canon)
sacred books; sutras; scriptures; Bible
Prajnaparamita Sutra; Perfection of Wisdom Sutra
Mahavairocana Sutra; Mahavairocana Tantra
three main sutras (of a school of Buddhism)
scriptural text; scriptures; sutras
Lotus Sutra
Heart Sutra
Diamond Sutra
The Classic of Poetry; The Book of Songs; The Book of Odes; Shijing; Shih Ching
the Book of Filial Piety
sutra library
The Book of Documents; The Book of History; Shujing; Shu Ching
scripture house
sutra book
apocryphal sutra (composed in China or Japan)
sutra; holy writings; writings of a sage; Bible
Tao Te Ching (classic Chinese text by Lao Tzu); Daodejing
Xiuyaojing (Indian astrological text written by Amoghavajra)
Xiuyaojing (Indian astrological text written by Amoghavajra)
meditation performed while walking
to chant a sutra
Diamond Perfection of Wisdom Sutra; Diamond Sutra
title of a scripture or sacred text (e.g. Buddhist sutra); title on a scroll or rolled book
Minister for Economics and Finance
Samantabhadra Contemplation Sutra
Sutra of Immeasurable Meanings
sutra-reading time (in morning and evening)
Mahavairocana Sutra; Mahavairocana Tantra
Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch; Platform Sutra