1. pole
2. climax; extreme; extremity; culmination; height; zenith; nadir
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (62 in total)
antipodes; other (opposite) extreme; opposite; antithesis
polar night
Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea)
extreme; extremity
to the utmost; to the best of one's ability
maximum; extreme; utmost
South Pole; the Antarctic; Antarctica
maximum; local maximum
extreme logic; extreme argument; unreserved argument
minimum; minuscule; local minimum
polar regions; the pole; farthest land; ends of the earth
pole (north, south); climax; extreme (point)
min-maxing; concentrating points on a specific ability
min-maxing; concentrating points on a specific ability
both extremities; North and South Poles; positive and negative poles
very (extremely) low temperature
being frank; going so far as to say
microscopic; infinitesimal
limitless; apolar; limitlessness of taiji
bipolarization; bipolarisation
extreme left; ultraleft
ultrahigh frequency; UHF; ultrashort waves
polar coordinates
polarization (light, radio waves); polarisation
having two poles; bipolar
cathode; positive pole; positive electrode
negative pole; anode; south magnetic pole
polar easterlies
anode; plus terminal; positive pole
maximum dose
polar current
celestial poles
polar orbit
a place of extreme cold
polar seas
extreme eroticism; something very erotic
polar body (cell structure within the ovum)
magnetic monopole
polar region
polar vortex; polar cell
crisis; grave danger; serious depression
circumpolar star
polar distance
extreme ultraviolet
polar easterlies; polar Hadley cells
Far East Command; FEC; United States military headquarters in the western Pacific after World War II
geographical pole
Examples (1 in total)
The lines of this field run between magnetic north and magnetic south at the two poles.