1. region; limits; stage; level
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (78 in total)
foreign lands
limits; boundary; domain; area (e.g. in programming languages)
area; region
area; domain; territory; field; range; region
boundary; border; precinct; grounds
sacred ground; sacred precincts
drainage basin; catchment basin; river basin; watershed; valley
singing range; register
municipal area
sacred precincts; sanctuary; consecrated ground; issue that is regarded as being off-limits; matter that is not up for discussion
the whole area; all areas
Shinto shrine precincts; holy precincts; sanctuary
western regions of China
sector (of space)
war area; battlefield; theater; theatre
waters; water area
critical section
a matter for speculation; only conjecture; just guesswork
audible range; hearing range
band; zone; range; bandwidth
inside the area
occupation zone
storm area (winds of 25mps or more)
range of one's work; one's area of responsibility; range of one's duties; place of one's work
wide area
outside the area
safety margin
temple grounds
commercial area; business district
area of operation
brackish waters (of an estuary)
range (of a function or relation)
underpopulated area; lightly-populated area
sphere (e.g. of knowledge, influence)
hypocentral region
high frequency; high-pass (e.g. filter)
range of skills
domain; range
strong wind area (15mps or more); strong wind zone
most specific part of an address (postal term); neighbourhood
area of distribution; distribution range; distribution region
area around a red-light district where illegal prostitution occurred (marked on police maps by a blue line) (1940s-1956)
polar region
control area
protected area
red-light district
prefectural territory; prefectural area
yen bloc; yen area
wildlife protection area
region of anomalous seismic intensity
market; business field
flood-stricken region; flood-stricken area
workstation dependent segment storage; WDSS
workstation independent segment storage; WISS
work(ing) space; work(ing) area
global modelling transformation
global entity
scoping unit
hydrothermal discharge zone
area of clear sky
colour gamut; color gamut
leaving (a district, zone, etc.); going out of
area zoned for agricultural use
medium and high-rise residential zone