1. type of cleromancy divination (described in the Book of Changes) performed with long sticks
2. The Book of Changes; Yijing; I Ching
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (13 in total)
to be fed up (with); to be tired (of); to be stumped; to be nonplussed; to wince; to shrink back
trade; commerce
change of rank
fortuneteller; diviner
constancy; immutable
The Book of Changes; Yijing; I Ching
study of divination
divination; fortunetelling
divination (based on the Book of Changes)
change; alteration
revolution (change of dynasty) decreed by Heaven when the incumbent emperor is found lacking in moral virtue (old Chinese political thought)
the death of a scholar
three methods of Chinese divination (Lian Shan of the Xia period, Gui Cang of the Yin period and Zhou Yi of the Zhou period)