1. behavior; behaviour; conduct
2. entertainment; treat; feast; banquet
Pitch accent
Composed of
dancing; dance
Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
movements; behavior; behaviour; bearing; deportment; manners
farewell dinner (given by someone about to leave on a trip)
lavish feast; splendid banquet; corporate largess; lavish hospitality
Examples (17 in total)
Kate was astonished by his behavior.
I was offended at his behavior.
I can't forgive him for behaving like that.
I'm sorry for my bad behavior.
I can't stand his behavior anymore.
I was ashamed of my behavior.
His behavior is very odd today.
Your behavior is creating a lot of problems.
I feel nothing but contempt for such dishonest behavior.
Her behavior gave rise to rumors.
He acted as though we had insulted him.
Tom can't put up with Mary's behavior anymore.
Do people behave differently when they go abroad?
He laughed loudly, which behavior seemed inappropriate.
If you act like a child, you will be treated as such.
I just can't overlook his rude behavior.
You should apologize to Mrs. Smith for your rude behavior the other night.