1. poem; poetry; verse
2. Chinese poem
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (82 in total)
essay on poetry; theory of poetry
poetry anthology; collection of poems; collected poems
reciting Chinese poems
descriptive poetry; epic poem
book containing a collection of poems; Psalms (book of the Bible)
lyric poetry; lyric poem; ode
composition of a poem
the Muses; great poet
Chinese poem; Chinese poetry
free verse
poetry and prose; literature; literary works
poetic sentiment; poetic interest; poetic inspiration
form of verse; verse form; poetic form
poetic circles; world of poetry
The Classic of Poetry; The Book of Songs; The Book of Odes; Shijing; Shih Ching
new style poetry; new style poem
symphonic poem
study of poetry; poetics
dramatic poetry
prose poem
long poem
versification; verse making
poetry of the Tang period; Tang poetry
improvised poem
poem's locale
talent for poetry; poetic genius
poetic sentiment or inspiration; poetic inclination or taste; poem-composing mood; ability to appreciate poetry
book of poetry; The Classic of Poetry and The Classic of History (Chinese texts)
poetical imagination
draft of a poem
modern poetry; modern-style poetry
poetic diction
drama in verse
monument (stele, gravestone, etc.) engraved with a poem
modern poetry
historical poem
(Chinese) poetry and rhymed prose
translated poem
English poetry; English poem
fixed form poetry
poetic sentiment
style of a poem; style of poetry
great poet
poetic inspiration
symbolist poetry
blank verse
great poet
pastoral poem
poetic beauty; beauty of a poem
master poet
excellent poem; fine poetry
history of poetry (esp. Chinese); history recorded in the form of poetry
(Edo-period) type of humorous poem
poetry meeting
poetic form; verse form
original poem
tone poem
line of a poem
old poem
priest with poetical talent; priest poet
selected poems
poetic appreciation; poetic taste
poetic sentiment; meaning of a poem
modern-style poem
collection of poems
admired poem
poetic achievements; poetic works; act of writing poetry
ci (form of Chinese poetry)
concrete poetry
poem by Bai Juyi
master poet (esp. of Chinese poetry)
master poet
Examples (58 in total)
I like this poem.
That's a great poem.
His poems are difficult to understand.