wonderful; marvelous; strange; strangely enough; oddly enough; for some reason
dissatisfaction; discontent; displeasure; complaint; unhappiness
sudden; abrupt; unexpected; unforeseen
unhappiness; sorrow; misfortune; death (usu. of a relative); bereavement
pout; displeasure; ill humor; ill humour; sullenness
unnatural; artificial; affected; strained
unclear; obscure; unknown; unidentified; ignorance; lack of wisdom
insufficiency; deficiency; shortage; dissatisfaction; discontent; complaint
displeasure; discomfort; unpleasantness; indisposition; ailment
disadvantage; handicap; unfavorable position
bad; poor; inferior; delinquent; hoodlum; hooligan
unpleasant; disagreeable; displeasing; uncomfortable; unhappy
daring; fearless; intrepid; bold; tough
instability; insecurity; crankiness
absence; disregard; indifference
ominous; sinister; unlucky; inauspicious
discomfort; inconvenience; poverty; want; inability; disability
injustice; unfairness; wrongdoing; iniquity; impropriety; irregularity
immortality; eternal life; undeath; undead
inconvenience; inexpediency; unhandiness
impossible; incapable (of doing); incompetence; inability; impotence; having no solution (of an equation)
dissatisfaction; discontent; disapproval; objection; complaint; protest
misfortune; bad luck; ill luck; ill fortune
reluctant; unwilling; involuntary; unintentional; unintended; unlooked-for
imperfect; incomplete; faulty; defective
unprepared; careless; imprudent; indiscreet
inconvenient; inexpedient; unfavourable; wrong; improper; objectionable
good-for-nothing; spineless; gutless; spiritless; feckless; pluckless
barren; sterile; infertile; unproductive (e.g. discussion); fruitless
unfairness; injustice; partiality
immovable; motionless; firm; Acala (Wisdom King); Fudō; fierce Buddhist deity
disrespect; irreverence; impiety; blasphemy; profanity
wrong; bad; not allowed; not possible; failing grade
irregularity; unsteadiness; disorderly
injustice; impropriety; unreasonableness; undeserved; unfair; invalid
discontent; dissatisfaction; complaint; grievance
indiscrete; imprudent; unscrupulous
wholeheartedly; with heart and soul; intently; with undivided attention; with intense concentration; single-mindedly
bad condition; not to work out (i.e. a deal); disagreement; break-off; disorder; slump
inexperienced; unfamiliar (with); unversed; lacking experience
absurd; irrational; unreasonable; absurdity (philosophy)
unreliable; uncertain; indefinite; unclear
lawless; outrageous; insolent; rude; inexcusable; unpardonable
impure; adulterated; foul; mixed; dishonest
insufficient; inadequate; imperfect
imbalance; disproportion; disparity; mismatch; asymmetry
disadvantage; handicap; drawback; inadvisability; inexpediency; loss
dishonor; dishonour; disgrace; shame
distrust; mistrust; insincerity; impiety; faithlessness
carelessness; inattention; thoughtlessness
flaw; defect; problem; inconvenient
unshapely; ill-formed; misshapen; awkward; clumsy
poor health; ill health; unhealthy
truancy; school non-attendance
(examination) failure; rejection; disqualification
dimness; obscurity; indistinctness; unclear; unintelligible
omission; failure; incompleteness; irregularity; mismanagement; misconduct
unfit; unsuitable; unmarketable
not asking (about); letting go unquestioned; disregarding; ignoring; overlooking
clumsiness; awkwardness; ineptitude
insincerity; dishonesty; untruthfulness; bad faith
not serious; frivolous; insincere; unsteady
eternal; everlasting; unchangeable; invariant
unfaithfulness; infidelity; unchastity
irrational; illogical; unreasonable; absurd; inconsistent
immorality; injustice; adultery; infidelity; (arch.) murdering one's teacher or a government official
morbid; unhealthful; insalubrious
friction; discord; trouble; dissension; disagreement
unsuitable; inappropriate; improper
discord; (on) bad terms (with)
constant; persistent; indecisiveness; usual; normal
economic slump; hard times; poor (business); dull; gloomy; cheerless
abstention; nonparticipation
incorrect; wrong; incorrect interpretation (answer, solution)
bad job; poor workmanship; bungle
weak point; unskillfulness
unbecoming; improper; unsuitable; ill-matched; unworthy of
undefeated; unbeatable; invincible
inferior goods; defective product; defective goods
opaque; obscure; opacity; obscurity; unclear; unpredictable
unlawful; illegal; unreasonable; outrageous; unjust
poor crop; bad harvest; crop failure; low quality (e.g. of literary works)
unsuited; inappropriate; improper; undeserved
lack of virtue; immorality; vice; depravity; unworthiness
discord; dissonance; cacophony; discord (in a relationship); disagreement; disharmony
uneven; irregular; non-uniform; unsorted; odd; miscellaneous
bad reputation; disgrace; unpopularity
dishonesty; injustice; dishonor; dishonour; ingratitude
indeterminate form; undefined; indefinite; unstructured
abstention; nonintervention; noninterference
non-conforming process; noncompliant; incompatible
uncertainty; insecurity; inconstancy; indefinite; undecided
unshapely; ill-formed; misshapen; awkward; clumsy
perfidiousness; faithlessness; inconstancy; insincerity; falsehood
uncertain; unreliable; inauthentic; insecure
irregular; indeterminate; tramp (steamer)
blur; blurred; indistinct
partial; incomplete; imperfect
disused; unused; useless; wasteful; of no use
displeasure; ill humour; ill humor; pique
unsanitary condition; lack of hygienic care; inattention to hygiene; unhygienic conditions
undutifulness to one's parents; lack of filial piety; (arch.) (the crime of) cursing one's parents; (arch.) disowning one's child
undutifulness to one's parents; lack of filial piety; (arch.) (the crime of) cursing one's parents; (arch.) disowning one's child
unhappiness; misfortune; ill luck
disqualification; unfitness; noncompliance
disqualification; unfitness; noncompliance
immorality; iniquity; impropriety
(treasuring something by) never taking (it) off the premises
idleness; lack of application; lazy study habits
deformity; distortion; disability; word written at the end of a letter
imbalance; disproportion; disparity; mismatch; asymmetry
insufficient; inadequate; imperfect
discrepancy; discord; disagreement; mismatch; dissonance
unkindness; unfriendliness
inadequacy; inappropriateness; unfitness; impropriety
suspension; interruption; stoppage; tie-up; cessation
incomplete combustion; imperfect combustion; being off one's game; not doing one's best; being unable to use all of one's strength
determination; conviction
neglect of one's health; unhealthy living; intemperance
rejection (of an application)
nonprosecution; nonindictment
sleepless vigil; night watch; vigilance
ignorance; inexperience; unfamiliarity
impiety; unbelief; infidelity
dissent; disagreement; disapproval; objection; refusal
uncertainty; inaccuracy; incorrectness
improper; inappropriate; unjust; unfair; unreasonable
war renunciation; anti-war; bout cancelled due to absence of one of the wrestlers
disharmony; discord; dissonance; incongruity
sexual frigidity; insensitivity; indifference
dissatisfaction; discontent; displeasure
imbalance; lack of balance; lopsidedness; disproportion; inequality; disparity
unkindness; inhumanity; heartlessness
failure; poor result; disfavour; disfavor; unpopularity
failure; rejection; rupture
being unknown; not knowing; ignorance; foolishness
not permitting; not authorizing
nightless gay quarters; nightless city
I'll write again soon (closure for a letter, etc.); more anon; sincerely yours; yours truly
contrary to one's wishes; gone awry; gone amiss; short of money; in financial difficulty
rare; extraordinary; unparalleled; unparallelled
inconsistency; mismatch; nonconformity; unconformity
disapproval; disagreement
emergency; unexpectedness
disgraceful; inauspicious; ill-omened; ominous; scandalous
unspecified; random; indefinite
dishonouring (a bill); dishonoring; bouncing (a cheque, check); non-payment
failure; abortive (attempt, action)
inaccurate; indistinct; imprecise; unclear; indecisive
vague; ambiguous; noncommittal; off-point
distaste; unsavoriness; unsavouriness
dissent; disagreement; disapproval; objection; refusal
unbecoming; improper; unsuitable; ill-matched; unworthy of
insubordination; disobedience
good-for-nothing; spineless; gutless; spiritless; feckless; pluckless
thoughtless; indiscreet; lacking in common sense; rashness; betraying one's lack of judgment (judgement); absurd
of uncertain meaning; ambiguous; cryptic; nonsensical; incomprehensible; perplexing
inconsistent; illogical; unconvincing; not thorough; indefinite; half-way
unchastity; misconduct; dissipation; fornication
absence; nonattendance; nonappearance
lack of uniformity; unevenness; imbalance; inequality; disproportion
irregular; unseasonable; changeable; unsettled; abnormal
misconduct; misbehaviour; impropriety; profligacy
noninvolvement; nonintervention; neutrality
non-confidence; lack of confidence
ugly (of a person); plain; unattractive; (arch.) lacking ability; (arch.) incompetent
dishonesty; untruthfulness
difference; diversity; irregularity; disorder
uneasiness; uncertainty; anxiety; apprehension; restlessness; insecurity
destabilization; destabilisation
past forty; following right course
unwritten; illiterate; uneducated; poor writing
bad form or manners; indecency; impropriety
point of dissatisfaction; complaint; gripe; issue
irresolution; indecision; vacillation
imbalance; disproportion; disparity; mismatch; asymmetry
disagreement; disapproval; objection; dissent; non-consent
lawless; outrageous; insolent; rude; inexcusable; unpardonable
unhappiness; misfortune; ill luck
neglect of health; intemperance
uncertainty; indeterminacy; unreliability; unauthenticity
uneven; irregular; non-uniform; unsorted; odd; miscellaneous
disadvantageous; harmful; unprofitable
lack of faith; unbelief; impiety; infidelity
indifference; lack of enthusiasm; inattentiveness
neither arising nor ceasing
evil; sin; vice; mischief
unsuccessful candidate; rejected person
disuse; not using; non-usage
lack of uniformity; unevenness; inequality; heterogeneous; nonuniform
pending; unsettled; undecided
slowness; inertness; inability; lack of talent; dullness
lack of talent; incompetency
discontented element; discontented (grumbling) member
indisposition; emperor's illness; unhappiness
heartlessness; inhumanity
(Goedel's) incompleteness theorem
poor result; bad record; failure
unwise plan; bad policy; inexpediency
forbearance; omission; nonfeasance; inaction
small attendance; poor house
improper; inappropriate; illegitimate; unacceptable; unfair
less-than sign or greater-than sign (< or >); inequality sign
ahimsa; abstinence from taking life; principle of non-violence in Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.
bad reputation; disgrace; unpopularity
dishonorable discharge; dishonourable discharge
aplastic anemia; aplastic anaemia
non-support; disapproval (e.g. in an opinion poll)
not carrying (driver's license, passport, etc.); not having on one's person; nonpossession
impartiality; neutrality; fairness
not serious; frivolous; insincere; unsteady
person unfit for society; misfit
insincerity; dishonesty; untruthfulness; bad faith
nothing increases or decreases (because all things are void)
divorce; unrealized marriage (prospects); unrealised marriage
dull; slow; sluggish; inactive; inanimate; quiet
disloyalty; unfaithfulness
non-existence; absence; lack
disloyalty; unfaithfulness
anxiety neurosis; aporio-neurosis
irregular; undisciplined; disorganized; disorganised; slipshod
dull; slow; sluggish; inactive; inanimate; quiet
police questioning (of a suspicious person)
misconduct; misbehaviour; impropriety; profligacy
in no hurry; nonessential (industry)
vagrant; transient lifestyle
ne bis in idem; prohibition against double jeopardy
gloominess; gloom; questionable; unfair; underhand
indiscretion; bad idea; thoughtlessness; indiscreetness
discordance; discrepancy (e.g. statistical); conflict; incongruity; inconsistency; mismatch
unreasonableness; absurdity; irrationality
faithlessness; insincerity
Very sincerely yours; (arch.) different
Very sincerely yours; (arch.) different
having no fixed days off; having no regular closing days; having no regular holidays
Amoghasiddhi; Infallible Magic (a dhyani-Buddha)
lawlessness; violation of customs
inconvenience; hard living
nonexpansion; localization; localisation; nonaggravation
unstable state; metastable state; quasistable state
indiscretion; bad idea; thoughtlessness; indiscreetness
police questioning (of a suspicious person)
insincerity; unfaithfulness
premenstrual dysphoric disorder; PMDD
scalene (triangle); triangle having three sides of different lengths; inequilateral triangle
scalene (triangle); triangle having three sides of different lengths; inequilateral triangle
sense of uncertainty; lack of clarity; indecisiveness
clumsiness; unskillfulness
not enrolling for compulsory schooling
disapproval; dissent; veto
immunity from arrest (i.e. of Diet members or foreign diplomats); diplomatic immunity; parliamentary immunity; legislative immunity
irregularity; unevenness; asymmetry; lack of uniformity
intolerance (to food, drug, etc.)
misconduct; profligacy; licentiousness
dissident element (e.g. in a political party); discontented element
incomplete metamorphosis; hemimetabolism
poor; pitiful; piteous; pitiable
agreement used to prevent unauthorized or faked divorce by couples in Japan in the future
nonvolatile component; nonvolatile constituent
I'll write again soon; more anon; sincerely yours; yours truly
unlawful trespass; occupying a property and refusing to leave
dissent; disagreement; disapproval; objection; refusal
Buddhist precept prohibiting the consumption of alcohol
omission; failure; incompleteness; irregularity; mismanagement; misconduct
not serious; frivolous; insincere; unsteady
indiscretion; bad idea; thoughtlessness; indiscreetness
concealment (e.g. of facts); nondisclosure
insulator; nonconductor; poor conductor
unqualified (incompetent) person; square peg in a round hole
inapparent infection; subclinical infection
infertility (esp. of animals)
of uneven quality; heterogenous
nonviolence; non-harming; ahimsa
poor preparation; poor arrangements
the principle of not resuming debate on an item in the same Diet session in which it has been voted down
incomplete intransitive verb
negative reaction; unsuccessful vaccination
nonfarming land; untilled land
infertility (esp. of plants)
irregular forces; guerrillas
principle holding that any matters left unresolved at the end of one Diet session are not to be carried over to the next
statically indeterminate structure; redundant structure; statically indeterminate construction
unequal cleavage (embryology)
Three Noes (former Taiwan policy of no contact, no negotiation and no compromise with China)
tax-exempt rice field (ritsuryo system)
suddenly; casually; accidentally; incidentally; unexpectedly; unintentionally
Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus); milu; elpahure
unreasonable; irrational; illogical
inhuman; immoral; unreasonable; barbarity (one of the eight unpardonable crimes, incl. killing three people in one family, or dismembering a corpse)