1. rook
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (30 in total)
rook; hisha
aviation; flight; flying; to fly; to take a flight
coming flying in (migratory birds, airborne sand, pollen, etc.); coming by airplane
jumping over (a hurdle); clearing (a fence); hurdling
fly (ball)
flight; flying; soaring
flying dragon
flying dragon
splash; spray; droplet
express messenger; postman; mailman; courier
distance (of a ski jump, baseball hit, etc.); carry (of a golf ball); flight (of an arrow)
heavenly beings shown flying around the main image in a temple; Feitian (2008 Chinese space suit)
launching out; embarking upon (a career)
urgent report; urgent message
urgent letter
patagium (vertebrate flying or gliding membrane)
first fly
baseless rumor; baseless rumour; gossip; false report
center fly; centre fly
filhos (traditional Portuguese dessert); deep-fried tofu mixed with thinly sliced vegetables
locust swarming; locust swarm; (swarming) locusts
track; flight path
flying jump; great achievement
flying clouds and drifting haze; magnificent calligraphy; vivid penmanship
foul fly
opponent's rook; opponent's hisha
pitchers fly
flying without hindrance