Pre-noun adjective
1. what; what kind of; what sort of
2. no ...; any
with. neg. sentence
3. adds emphasis to the preceding word
as ...のなんの
Usually written in kana
4. no; not at all; oh (it's nothing)
used to dismiss someone's concerns, words, etc.
Pitch accent
Composed of
what; how many; many; a lot of; several; a few
Used in vocabulary (7 in total)
trivial; not amounting to much; not enough to cause a problem; not as much as expected
unintentionally; inadvertently; calmly; casually; nonchalantly; innocently
nothing special; no big deal; doesn't matter
this and that (esp. complaining or protesting); something or other
It's nothing!; Don't mention it!
certain person; certain amount
how could I (you, etc.) ...?; how dare you (they, etc.) (have the nerve to) ...?