Composed of
plan; project; schedule; scheme; program; programme
to stand up; to put up; to thrust into; to bury into; to make (a noise); to start (a rumour); to make
Examples (24 in total)
Who made this plan?
We are making plans for the holidays.
Plan your work before you start it.
He needs time to come up with a plan.
I'll get my son to make the plan.
Are you planning on buying a new computer?
Tom planned to kill Mary.
They formed a project to build a new school building.
They are planning to settle in New Zealand.
While having breakfast, we made a plan for the day.
I didn't just make the plan, I carried it out.
He planned the project along with his colleagues.
It is often easier to make plans than to carry them out.
He is now planning to study abroad next year.
They laid down a scheme for extracting salt from seawater.
We should have made a careful plan in advance.
It is easy to form a plan, but it is difficult to carry it out.
Once you have a plan, you should keep to it.
I am planning to visit Kyoto, and Nara as well.
This guide book will help you to make plans for the trip.
In the car on the way home, he was making plans for the next day.
The revolutionary council met to plan strategy.
I heard Tom is planning on going to Boston next weekend.
It is important that we make plans in relation to anticipated changes.