Adjective (の)
1. many; much; plenty; a lot
2. majority (of); greater part (of)
3. mostly; mainly; chiefly; usually; often
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (6 in total)
Examples (200 in total)
There's plenty of water.
Many promises had been made.
Don't expect too much.
Many of us were tired.
A lot of houses were on fire.
Many cars passed by.
Lots of people have tried.
This surprised many people.
I have many dreams.
I have a lot of flowers.
Many of the students were tired.
Much time was wasted.
I can do a lot of things.
We use a lot of water.
Are there many flowers in the garden?
I have many abilities.
Many students have failed the test.
There are a lot of legends in Japan.
Read as many books as you can.
Let's go and see as many things as we can.
Many of them were kind to us.
Many people were killed in the accident.
Money ruins many.
He is endowed with many talents.
We did not expect many to attend.
Many students are looking for part-time jobs.
Children need a lot of sleep.
She has many faults.
A lot of people are starving in the world.
Many plants bloom in the spring.
He has overcome many obstacles.
The storm caused a lot of damage.
His face is known to many people.
There are many more people than I expected.
"He is loved by many, isn't he?" "Yes, he is."
It is important for you to read many books.
A lot of soldiers died here.
Many people were killed in the war.
He gains many friends through his honesty.
Many women like drinking tea.
This song is liked by many people.
We make lots of things out of paper.
Judy spends a lot of time looking in the mirror.
She participates in many school activities.
We have too many classes.
He threw away a bunch of old letters.
She was chosen from among many students.
You can see many animals in this forest.
There were a number of reasons for this accident.
Society has seen a lot of change recently.
Many novels have been written by him.
There were quite a few children in the park.
There are many cities in this country.
I have more money than I had last year.
Sadly, many Japanese people died.
Many people were killed as a result of the storm.
The trip calls for a lot of money.
He is superior to me in many respects.
Many animals have been destroyed by men.
Many of the students got bored and fell asleep.
He succeeded in the face of many difficulties.
Japan is doing a lot of trade with the U.S.
Many cities were destroyed by bombs.
I have read many modern authors.
He had to undergo many trials.
Lots of people in Japan are indifferent to politics.
Kyoto is visited by many people every year.
This robot was useful for accomplishing many tasks.
Many people were killed in the plane accident.
He gave us quite a lot of trouble.
There are a great many people in the park.
She spends a lot of time practicing the piano.
He owns a good few sheep.
China and Japan differ in many points.
The revolution has brought about many changes.
He refused to quit despite many obstacles.
The news created a lot of confusion.
Your behavior is creating a lot of problems.
He asked the same question of many people.
Tourism generated many new jobs.
People pursue more freedom and equality.
I came to know many university students.
Many crimes go underreported.
Students spend a lot of time playing.
The new machine brought in a lot of money.
The world has seen a lot of changes in many fields.
He devoted himself to many cultural activities.
Many young men bled for the revolution.
Try to answer as many questions as possible.
More and more people offered to help.
Now we see more and more foreigners.
A lot of passengers were injured in the accident.
There were a great many people at the airport.
The town gave birth to many men of note.
Many weeds were growing among the flowers.
With many women, love always comes first.
Many countries are experiencing similar problems.
I've heard a lot about that, too.
There are more people than we expected.
Many a story has been told about him.
The results came as a surprise to many people.
The explosion that followed killed many people.
Many people write about their daily life.
Many people have made the same mistake.
Many people drift through life without a purpose.
There are many people to come this afternoon.
I want to learn more about this.
Quite a few people came to the party.
The information is useful to a great many people.
Many trees lose their leaves in the winter.
Many young people in Japan eat bread for breakfast.
She has many friends in the United States.
It's surprising how many unhappy marriages there are.
I was hurt by many people.
The battle was won at the price of many lives.
A big crowd of people collected to watch the festival.
Science has brought about many changes to our lives.
There are many famous historic buildings in Kyoto.
There were quite a few people in the hall.
You have to go through many hardships.
Many young people go abroad during summer vacation.
He spends a great deal of money on books.
England resembles Japan in many respects.
However, this success caused many problems.
Many parents believe that there is too much violence on TV.
There is much truth in what you say.
Many people respect you. Don't let them down.
He derived a lot of profit from the enterprise.
Many young girls dream of becoming princesses.
Many students go to Europe for the purpose of studying music.
More and more people are moving to urban areas.
Quite a few people were injured in the accident.
My father never gave me much advice.
Modern cars differ from the early ones in many ways.
Machines can do a lot of things for people today.
He'll have many hardships to go through in the future.
This firm prints a lot of educational books.
The novel has been translated into many languages.
Many college students use computers to write their papers.
Since then, a great deal of change has occurred in Japan.
Many scientists are working in this field.
The workers demanded more money and holidays.
Quite a few people were present at the meeting yesterday.
Most people know nothing about us.
I have plenty of time to do that.
The same thing could be said about many other people.
The teacher gave her a lot of information about the university.
It took a lot of time and money to build the machine.
Many people think that children spend all their time watching television.
As a result of the war, many people died.
We have experienced many changes over the last decade.
During the summer vacation, I made friends with many villagers.
He met many fascinating people in the course of his travels.
Meeting many people is an important part of a party.
The King invited not only us but also a lot of other people.
We must learn a lot about foreign countries.
A lot of problems derive from a lack of reading in the home.
Happiness does not consist only in having many things.
Everybody in this world has to cope with a lot of difficulties.
No matter how rich people are, they always want more.
I'd rather not spend so much money on clothes.
Many fans came running toward the actress.
Mr. Sato asked me many questions about the election.
Cows are sacred to many people in India.
Today more and more people begin to use computers.
Many would jump at the chance to live in New York.
Most people know almost nothing about us.
You will need much more money than you do now.
There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter.
After a lot of problems she managed to learn to drive a car.
My boss gave me so much work that I couldn't leave the office.
Barking at strangers is a habit common to many dogs.
It was such a fine day that many children were playing in the park.
They sell fruit, bread, cakes, and many other things.
He has done many things for poor people.
I spent a great deal of time dealing with that problem last week.
This story says a lot about what has happened to America.
In many ways, animals can do things better than people can.
As a new father, I gave my first child plenty of books.
I met so many people that I do not even remember their faces.
Education does not consist simply in learning a lot of facts.
Research requires a lot of energy, but it's worth the effort.
I often say a great doctor kills more people than a great general.
You can read a lot more than you think you can.
Ellie loves that poet. She knows many of his poems by heart.
My suggestion is for more trees to be planted along the streets.
He held over his decision until he got more information.
In many countries, the main reason that people come to big cities is because of work.
Many clients went to the able lawyer for advice.
On my way to school each day, I generally see many dogs and cats.
When my uncle left for America, many people came to see him off at the airport.
Nothing gives us so much pleasure as making things ourselves.
A lot of students around the world are studying English.
Rice is grown in many parts of the world.
During the 19th century, many inventions were developed.
We are doing business with many countries.
She has gone through many difficulties.
Many purchases are carefully thought out.
Wind energy has been used to some extent in many countries.
In America elderly people are not given the same degree of respect they receive in many other countries.