Verb (5-dan, つ, transitive)
1. to drill; to bore; to pierce; to pass through
Verb (5-dan, つ, transitive)
2. to hit the mark; to get to the heart of (the matter); to be true to (nature)
Verb (5-dan, つ, transitive)
3. to put on; to wear
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (7 in total)
to find somebody's weak spot; (lit.) to drill a hole
to go into the minutest details
to find somebody's weak spot; (lit.) to drill a hole
to go into the minutest details
slow but steady wins the race; constant effort will result in success; (lit.) constant dripping wears away a stone
to fail to make timely preparations; (lit.) to not dig a well until one is thirsty
to fail to make timely preparations; (lit.) to not dig a well until one is thirsty