1. tie up; bind; fastening; tightening
2. sum; total amount; total
3. judo choking (strangling) techniques
4. last meal eaten when going restaurant hopping
5. completion; conclusion; rounding off
6. counter for bundles; counter for faggots; counter for bundles of 2000 sheets of paper
7. end mark; closure mark
esp. 〆
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (20 in total)
soused (vinegared) mackerel
deadline; closing; cofferdam; closed (door, window, etc.)
conclusion; end; completion; summing up; supervision
yakishime chinaware; high-fired unglazed ceramics
parfait eaten at the end of a meal
in all; all told
pressure; clamping; tightening; fastening
shime-waza (judo stranglehold)
shutout; shutting out; lock-out; freeze-out
decorative string used to hold a kimono sash in place
clamp; clasp; fastener; binding
fasting fish for several days to preserve flavour and quality (and reduce mortality during transport); killing fish in a fishtank (immediately before cooking); fish killed in a fishtank
wrestler's belt
sum; total
putting on the tsuna
interference; jamming
adjustable strap; bracer; lacing
water-binding; compaction by watering; hydraulic filling; hydraulic tilling
bisque firing; bisque (pottery)