1. traffic congestion; traffic jam; (traffic) deadlock
Pitch accent
Composed of
traffic; transportation; communication; exchange (of ideas, etc.); intercourse
congestion (e.g. traffic); delay; stagnation
Examples (13 in total)
I was caught in a traffic jam.
We met a traffic jam on the way.
The traffic jam lasted one hour.
She was late because of the heavy traffic.
The accident caused a traffic jam.
They were stuck for hours in a traffic jam.
We know how to get around traffic congestion.
If you had left a little earlier, you would have avoided the heavy traffic.
My father was late for work this morning because of a traffic jam.
I attributed the delay in delivery to a traffic jam.
We took a back road to avoid the heavy traffic.
A rush-hour traffic jam delayed my arrival by two hours.
Nowadays, commuters take traffic jams for granted.