1. quantity; amount; volume; number; amount of money
usu. だか when used as a suffix
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (60 in total)
Japanese rice fish (Oryzias latipes); killifish; Japanese medaka
very high; high up; aloft; only; merely; just
small hill; low hill; hillock
high-handed; overbearing
(bank) balance; remainder
comparatively high; fairly expensive
ladder form of "high" kanji
proudly; triumphantly
(crop) yield; stipend (orig. assessed on the basis of a crop); salary
appreciation of the yen; strong yen; strengthening of the yen; high-valued yen; exchange in favor of the yen (favour)
pride; haughtiness
sales; amount sold; proceeds
yield; crop; production; volume; piecework
high-pitched; high in the instep
yield; output; production
(amount of a samurai's) stipend
useable footage ratio; proportion of footage that can be used for the final cut
maximum allowable single-day gain (stock exchange, etc.)
overbearing; unstable wrestling stance
bulky; unwieldy; haughty; high-handed
obi worn high on the waist
catch of fish
principal (e.g. in a loan)
volume of business; turnover
high prices of commodities
threeleaf arrowhead (Sagittaria trifolia)
total amount
high cost; high costs
extremely expensive
sales amount; sales volume
revenue; income; receipts; yield
amount on hand
(amount of) output; production; yield
strong dollar
quantity or value of goods laid in
increased rice prices in autumn due to a poor harvest; good autumn rice harvest
total amount of foreign currency reserves; foreign exchange reserves
industrial output; industrial production
isolated gain in a slow or declining market (stock, currency, etc.)
sum; total
gradual rise in prices
(period of) high stock prices; rising stock prices
higher future quotations
all-round (market) advance
amount of inventory
the present amount; amount on hand
amount on hand
height of a storey; floor height
pattern of Japanese accent with the first mora high and the following ones low
pattern of Japanese accent with the last mora high and the succeeding particle low
general rise in stock prices
isolated gain in a slow or declining market (stock, currency, etc.)
max height; maximum height
rise in stock price in response to rises of other stocks
Examples (2 in total)
Global agricultural output was expanding.
That company is doing very well in terms of total sales.