1. medium; average; middle
2. moderation
3. middle school
4. China
5. volume two (of three)
6. during (a certain time when one did or is doing something); under (construction, etc.); while
7. in; out of; of the
Pitch accent
Top 40300
Used in vocabulary (389 in total)
in the city
junior high school; middle school; lower secondary school
junior high school student; middle school pupil
selfishness; egotism; egoism; egocentricity
provincial capital (under the ritsuryo system); provincial office; public place of imperial rule
selfishness; egotism; egoism; egocentricity
center; centre; middle; -centered; -centred; -focused
hitting the target; striking home; proving to be right; coming true; being on the mark
junior high school; middle school; lower secondary school
second year of junior high school; second-year junior high school student
on the way; en route; in the middle of; midway; halfway
centre; center; middle; capital; seat of government
(in) the middle of; (in) the midst of; (in) the course of; (at) the height of
middle stage; middle phase; middle game; midfield
in camp; at the front
center; centre; middle; Chūbu region (incl. Aichi, Nagano, Shizuoka, Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Yamanashi and Gifu prefectures)
dangling; hanging; suspended; pending; half done; in limbo
in the hand; (something) easily manipulated
mid-winter; cold season
student at the same middle school; graduate of the same middle school
during the night; at night
middle; half-finished
period during which monks may go into a summer retreat
company; lot; bunch; gang; pack; those guys
concentration; focusing; convergence; within a collection of works
sky; air; mid-air
lunch; midday meal; food served at a tea party (tea ceremony)
journey; trip; travels; during the journey; on the way; while travelling
(direct) hit; hitting the mark
interruption; suspension; break
middle-age; middle age; midlife; one's middle years
in the morning; during the morning
maid; female servant; hostess (in a ryokan); waitress (in a traditional restaurant); (arch.) court lady
at work; in the midst of work; working
in the mountains; among the mountains
intermediate level
middle of a field; middle of a country; field of contest
middle; midway; middle position; moderate position; interim; intermediary
whole family; entire family; all (members of) the family; all over the house; throughout the house
Middle Ages (in Japan esp. the Kamakura and Muromachi periods); medieval times; mediaeval times
company, battery, troop
underground; subterranean
one's heart; the mind; inner feelings; inmost thoughts; true motives
mid-air; air; sky
while moving; on the move
China; Chinese food
poisoning; addiction
middle part; medium depth (water); medium layer; medium-size; mid-level; medium-rise (building)
small mercy (from some misfortune); silver lining of a dark cloud; consolation in sadness; blessing in disguise
around the clock; day and night
neutrality (incl. chemical, electrical, etc.); indifference; sexlessness; androgyny; neuter gender
during; for the duration of
kernel; core; nucleus; center; centre
nucleus; backbone; medium-level; mid-level; main body (of troops); crack troops
in the middle of something; busy with something; in commotion as a result of something untoward happening; currently importing or capturing data
imperial court
halfway; midway; partway; mid-course
in the hospital; hospitalized
during absence from home
medium size
whole year; all year round; throughout the year; during an era
half-sitting posture; half-standing posture; half-rising posture; stooping position
neutralization; neutralisation; counteraction
company commander
work-in-progress; working state
during a stay
in preparation; (shop) not yet open for business
one's mind; one's heart; one's intention
under investigation
middle of a month; second third of a month; 11th to 20th day of a month
ongoing; in progress; afoot
during the war
within the story (of a book, play, film, etc.)
(one's) consideration; (taking) notice; interest; within the eye
half-way up a slope or stairway; landing; center of three (horizontal) columns (of print) (centre)
interior of the mouth; oral cavity
mid-stream; middle course; middle class
selfishness; egotism; egoism; egocentricity
middle-distance (races); intermediate-range (missile)
third year of junior high school; third-year junior high school student
first year of junior high school; first-year junior high school student
medium; mediocrity; average
in a train (car, bus, etc.); on a train
omission (of middle part of a text); ellipsis
mid-air; mid-heaven; zenith
middle period; medium-term
in a few days; in the near future; soon; one of these days
under development; in development
on duty; at work; while working
during imprisonment; while in jail
(most) basic of basics
second grade; medium quality; average; middle class; secondary grade
at large; fugitive
central; mainline
under construction
middle way; (golden) mean; moderation; the Doctrine of the Mean (one of the Four Books)
mid-range; mid-scale; mid-size
open (for business)
undergoing treatment (medical); receiving treatment
under construction
under examination; under test (e.g. device); on trial
small and medium
leaving one's seat (before an event is over); excusing oneself (from a meeting, conversation, etc.)
in the midst of the enemy
abortion; to be interrupted; to be discontinued; to be suspended
in use; occupied (e.g. toilet); engaged
in the earth; in the ground; underground
small and medium-sized enterprises; small and medium-sized businesses
while running; while moving; in motion
about medium
about medium
while being out of the office or away from home
in a company; troupe
15th day of the 7th lunar month; (last day of) Bon lantern festival; mid-year gift; summer gift; Bon Festival gifts
in session; in progress; under way; open
under investigation; under consideration; under review; pending (decision, etc.); awaiting verification
middle-school student
during a play
during the war
philtrum; vertical groove between the nose and the upper lip
philtrum; vertical groove between the nose and the upper lip
middle and high school; medium and high (level)
poisonous; toxic; addictiveness
during a telephone call; busy line
in the fire; in the flames
main temple building
in the sentence; in the text; Bunchū era (of the Southern Court) (1372.4.?-1375.5.27)
during vacation; during the holidays; during one's break; (temporarily) closed; on break
working; in operation; running; active
mezzanine floor
under repair; out of service
miniboss; sub-boss; mid-boss; underboss (of a criminal organization)
by the end of this month; before the month is out; in the course of this month
colleagues; cronies; merry men
by the end of this year; before the year comes to a close; during this year
junior high school graduate; middle school graduate
crossing the meridian
within the blood; blood-borne
gate in the middle of the corridor connecting an annex to a pond-side building (in traditional palatial-style architecture); central gate (between the main gate and main hall of a temple); central gate (separating the inner and outer gardens of a teahouse)
in the dark
being repaired
in one's lifetime; (while) in life
in process; during execution; runtime
middle of the road; centrism; the middle (of what one is doing); half-way; middle way; middle path
within the next couple of days; in a day or two
on bargain sale; rising in popularity; up-and-coming; budding
middle and old age
centrally placed troops (usu. under general's direct command)
being very good at; strongest point
China and Japan; the middle day; the equinoctial day
the exact middle
contained in a letter
family clan based on the paternal line, sharing the same tomb and performing rituals together (Okinawa)
under construction
in mourning
under construction; in preparation
in operation (of a machine, especially security cameras); in use; in action
Central and South America
being carried out; being put into practice; in operation
half damage
inside a clan; same clan
in a temple; inside temple grounds; sub-temple
busy (phone); in talks; discussion underway
Central America
fatal situation
lower-middle (e.g. in class rank)
second part (of three); second volume; middle part; novelette; novella; short novel
Japanese, Chinese and Western (e.g. when referring to food styles available, etc.)
middle west; Midwest (United States)
America and China; Sino-American
(while) holding a post or being in office
about the middle (of an era); middle lobe (right lung); median lobe (prostate)
middle grades of primary school (third and fourth grades)
mid-to-long term; medium and long term
in a relationship
gathering; theatrical troupe
medium-size draft beer
palsy; paralysis; every second solar term (occurring in the latter half of each month)
home and abroad; domestic and foreign; inside and outside; interior and exterior
medium-fatty tuna
axis; pivot; central figure; key man
during one's tenure
palsy; paralysis
excellent-good-poor; first-second-third (class); (in) three volumes (a literary work)
Near and Middle East
middle volume (in set); volume two (of three)
court; Imperial Palace or household
currently accepting (applications, etc.)
middle age
(contained) within
impartiality; fairness
inside a jar; coward; timid person
now available (e.g. for sale); now showing (e.g. film, exhibition)
court ladies of the middle rank serving in the inner palace (Heian period); female servant for a samurai family; lady-in-waiting working in the inner palace of the Edo castle (Edo period)
pro among pros; best of the best; top tier; ultimate professional; player's player
Rikuchū (former province located in present-day Iwate Prefecture and parts of Akita Prefecture)
otitis media; inflammation of the middle ear
middle dot (typographical symbol used between parallel terms, names in katakana, etc.); full-stop mark at mid-character height; interpoint (interword separation)
height of summer; high summer; hottest part of the summer
midbrain; mesencephalon
mediant; baritone; contralto; medium tone; medium pitch
during one's lifetime
intermediate color; intermediate colour; neutral color or tint; neutral colour
(in the process of) connecting
Central Europe
during a session (of the legislature)
medium build; meat of medium quality
senior high school (in the PRC or ROC)
absent overseas
neutrophil; neutrophilic leukocyte
medium amount of wealth; middling property; owner of medium wealth
night and day; all the time
Genchū era (of the Southern Court; 1384.4.28-1392.10.5)
medium beer mug
being out on bail
in secret
thing of medium quality; Koya paper
China and Vietnam; Sino-Vietnamese
within a room
in the process of being repaired; during repairs
child in elementary or middle school; go-between; intermediary; middleman
child in elementary or middle school; go-between; intermediary; middleman
drug addict; junkie
middle-class farmer
center of a noh stage
bardo; state (or period) of intermediate existence between one's death and rebirth (in Japan, 49 days)
above average
currently away from my seat (keyboard, etc.); AFK
China and Taiwan
medium volume; medium scale; moderate size; mid-size
central image (e.g. in a Buddha triad)
curly braces; curly brackets
drug addict (esp. stimulants)
(in the middle of) considering; deliberating
China and the Soviet Union; Sino-Soviet; Soviet-Chinese
Central China
Secretariat (Tang-dynasty China)
chūnō sauce; semi-sweet sauce made from fruit and vegetables
relating to China
excuse me for interrupting you when you are so busy
winning by opponent's resignation (in the game of go)
medium wave
central China
intermediate gear
on the same day
using horizontal characters in vertical writing
China and North Korea; Chinese-North Korean; imperial court; Imperial Court (of Japan); middle ages
China and Russia; Sino-Russian
all-purpose flour
in the middle of a line
midfield (in a horse race or motor race); middle of the pack
medium-sized bottle (of beer)
Chinese language (written); Chinese literature
one's second son; (arch.) man between 17 and 20 years old (ritsuryo system)
center fly; centre fly
corridor connecting an annex to a pond-side building (in traditional palatial-style architecture)
law of excluded middle
north central region
central bank
mid-sized store; middle-class brothel (in a red-light district)
being in the middle; being impartial; standing between two things
bardo; state (or period) of intermediate existence between one's death and rebirth (in Japan, 49 days)
Middle English
on location
Chūgoku and Shikoku
moderate; middle-of-the-road; inner edge (othello)
front of center field; front of centre field
private junior high school
midsummer; (arch.) China; (arch.) capital (city)
medium-sized city; mid-size city
middle of a word; within a word
under development; in progress
the hardest thing of all
bacteria capable of causing food poisoning
middle third of a two-hour period
ready-made meal; home meal replacement; HMR
midnight period; midnight service; (arch.) winter solstice
drug addict (esp. stimulants)
(for the) whole month
... and Company; Messrs; for the attention of ...
middle distance
complete mastery of or over; at one's beck and call
medium-sized dictionary
the middle-aged and the elderly
mean; average; middle-school arithmetic
medium size; medium pattern; medium stature
moderate line; middle-of-the-road policy line
Miocene epoch
(in China) 6th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. G); fourth lunar month
medium and high-rise (buildings, apartments, etc.)
medium-sized portion; normal serving
Chinese medicine
Chinese medicine
gray-water system; grey-water system; recycled waste-water
medium quality
moderate earthquake
alcohol or sake drunk during the meal (as opposed to aperitifs, digestifs, etc.)
medium-sized (of a flower, esp. a chrysanthemum)
inner layer of clothing; inner garment (other than underwear)
hepatopancreas; midgut gland
medium size; cabinet size (in photography)
relations between Taiwan and China
rarity; black swan
exact center of the Garbhadhatu mandala; platform upon which the fire is lit in a stone lantern
Central and Eastern Europe
low uplands; intermediary area between plains and mountains
positive predictive value
Heian-period kana writing
moderate earthquake
whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)
pending (e.g. legal case)
middle part of the verse
middle watch; 12 midnight-2am
medium-sized thread
medium-width cloth (approx. 45 cm wide); medium-width kimono sash (approx. 26 cm); medium-width obi
helmet liner
neutral plane
Central Labor Relations Committee
Mesolithic; Middle Stone Age
complete mastery of or over; at one's beck and call
mystery of mysteries
to be a leader among leaders
Chinese philosophy
medium-high heel
heroin addict
one red flower standing out in a sea of green vegetation; one item of quality standing out among many; one woman among many men
(Japanese) electoral system allowing for the election of from 3 to 5 candidates from one district
intermediate heron (Mesophoyx intermedia)
law of excluded middle
mesocarp; pith
mesioproximal pronoun (indicating proximity to the listener, i.e. sore, soko, sochira)
Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon
meantone temperament
meantone temperament
ICO; Intermediate Circular Orbit
atmospheric concentration; aerial density; airborne concentration
half double crochet; HDC
middle and advanced age
highest ranking prostitute in Yoshiwara (from the Houreki era onward)
Nagoya-size tatami mat (approx. 182 cm by 91 cm)
medium height geta
flying overnight; spending a night on a plane
medial moraine
mid-term business plan
Early Middle Japanese
Middle Chinese
Examples (168 in total)
I'm on a hunger strike.
They are having dinner.
They are on the air now.