Adjective (な)
1. severe; harsh; stringent; rigorous; strict; unfair
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
to be full-bodied (e.g. wine, sake); to be rich; to be robust (in flavor); to be full-flavored
full-bodied (e.g. wine, sake); rich; robust (flavor); full-flavored
severe; harsh; hard; cruel; rigorous
cruelty; coldheartedness; relentless; ruthless
exploitation; overuse; abuse
severe criticism; damnation
full-bodied (e.g. wine, sake); rich; robust (flavor); full-flavored
intense heat; severe heat
severe cold; intense cold; bitter cold
severity; rigor; rigour
intense heat
inhuman; wicked; evil
heavy taxation
(national) road in poor condition
atrocity; cruelty; brutality