Adjective (な)
1. foolishness; silliness; stupidity; folly
2. I; me
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (52 in total)
idle complaint; grumble; moha (ignorance, folly)
dullard; indecisive person
fool; nitwit; The Fool (Tarot card)
imbecility; idiocy
to grumble; to gripe; to complain
stupid; dumb
imbecility; feeblemindedness; dark
silly monk; foolish monk; I; me
stupidity; silliness; asininity; imbecility; dim-wittedness
stupid; foolish
ignorant people
foolish act; folly
foolish undertaking
foolish question
older sister
the vulgar masses
foolishness; stupidity; silliness
(one's) older brother; foolish older brother
poor piece of work; rubbish; one of my works
(one's) younger brother; foolish younger brother
simple honesty; tactless frankness
foolish idea; (one's own) idea; my humble opinion
common person; foolish commoner
one's humble opinion
foolish opinion; one's opinion
gang of young toughs; hooligans; hoodlums; hoods; yobbos
foolish argument or view
I; me
mediocrity; imbecility
stupid plan; inane way of doing something; (one's own) plan or project
(one's) son
the height of folly; sheer stupidity
foolish thought; (one's own) thought; (one's own) idea
foolish; nonsensical; absurd; ridiculous; trifling
gang of young toughs; hooligans; hoodlums; hoods; yobbos
mobocracy; mob rule; ochlocracy
great folly or fool
very stupid (person); great fool; oneself
April Fools' Day
policy of keeping the people ignorant and easily subjugated
one's humble opinion
(one's own) abilities and intelligence
foolish plan; (one's own) plan; one's modest proposal
where there's a will, there's a way
stupid and weak
moronity; moron
my manuscript