Adjective (い)
1. attentive; cautious; careful; watchful
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Examples (33 in total)
He is very careful.
With a little more care, the driver could have avoided such a tragic accident.
I wrote the answers carefully.
I should have listened more carefully.
Gunpowder needs to be handled very carefully.
He prepared his speech very carefully.
One must be careful in doing anything.
I looked at his face carefully.
You need to be careful.
Whatever book you read, read it carefully.
Everyone was listening very carefully.
The policeman lifted the box carefully.
Keep to these instructions carefully.
He chose every word with care.
Science is based on careful observation.
The old man walked across the road carefully.
The teacher listened attentively to my explanation.
She needs to be more careful.
You should be careful in your choice of friends.
Many purchases are carefully thought out.
The article deserves careful study.
John is careless. He makes many mistakes.
The government watched the activities of radical groups carefully.
The very sick baby was under careful observation by the doctors.
We listened carefully in order not to miss a single word.
She makes careful choices when she buys clothes.
I tried to listen to him carefully.
She listened very carefully when I praised her son.
The most careful man sometimes makes mistakes.
A successful business is built on careful financial management.
She hid the letter carefully so no one would see it.
This problem, however, should be considered more carefully.
When taking drugs, follow the directions on the bottle carefully.