Adjective (の)
1. rule; regulation
2. settlement; conclusion; end; agreement; arrangement
3. habit; custom; habitual way
4. countenance in front of another person; face
usu. as 決まりが悪い, etc.
5. love relationship between a customer and a prostitute
Pitch accent
Top 39900
Used in vocabulary (11 in total)
embarrassed; ashamed
embarrassed; ashamed
standard; set; routine; decided
embarrassed; ashamed
cliche; platitude; formula; set phrase
fixed; obvious; commonplace
embarrassed; ashamed
rule; established routine; standard operating procedure; SOP
beginning character or characters that uniquely identify a poem in the Hyakunin Isshu (esp. used in competitive karuta)
cliche; platitude; formula; set phrase
clincher; winning technique; official winning technique
Examples (3 in total)
I am quite tired of daily routine.
This rule doesn't apply to every case.
The company has hard and fast rules against lateness.