1. rate; ratio; proportion; percentage
2. profit
3. assignment
4. 10%; unit of ten percent
usu. 割
5. match; schedule of matches
6. diluted with (of drinks); mixed with
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 3000
Used in vocabulary (89 in total)
part; assigning (allotment of) parts; role; duties
relatively; comparatively
comparatively; relatively; unexpectedly; unusually; considering; for one's ...
rate; ratio; comparatively; contrary to expectations
ten percent
20 percent
what percentage; what ratio; what rate; what proportion
ten percent
20 percent
extra (charge, fare, etc.); premium; bonus; (after a number) tenths increase
timetable (esp. a weekly school timetable); schedule
comparatively high; fairly expensive
comparatively; quite; rather; rate; ratio; percentage
about 80%; almost certainly; mostly
discount; reduction; rebate; tenths discounted; tenths reduced
to be put at a disadvantage; to get the short end of the stick
paying; remunerative; advantageous; profitable
tally; check; piece of wood or paper split in half and given to each party as a form of proof (e.g. of a transaction)
economical; comparatively cheap
about 80%; almost certainly; mostly
comparatively; quite; rather
student discount
paying; remunerative; advantageous; profitable
paying; remunerative; advantageous; profitable
to assign; to allot; to allocate; to divide among; to distribute; to prorate
canal; waterway; ditch
crack; split; break; fracture
allotment; assignment; allocation; allocation
to cut into (a line, conversation, etc.); to force oneself into (e.g. a crowd); to wedge oneself into; to fall below (of stock prices, sales, etc.); to drop below
to find a clear solution; to come to a clean decision; to give a clear explanation; to divide exactly (without remainder); to divide evenly
to calculate; to compute; to deduce; to infer; to conclude
hatchet; axe; wood-chopping; wood-splitting
room allocation; assignment of rooms
sharing equally (costs, profits, etc.); splitting equally
breaking and removing frozen snow to expose the ground
split bamboo; bamboo slat; bamboo split; noisy bamboo baton used by night watchmen (Edo period)
share; portion; quota
terraced or partitioned housing structure
soba made with only buckwheat flour
sukiyaki stock; stock mixed with soy sauce, mirin and sugar (used to flavor sukiyaki)
daily rate; (day-by-day) schedule; program
seal over the edges of adjacent sheets; tally impression
allotment (of land); parcelling out
unprofitable; disadvantageous; not worth it
employee discount; corporate discount; company discount
allocation; assignment; allotment
queue jumping; breaking into a line; muscling in on; interrupt
ground barley; cracked barley
slicing a fish down its back; slit in the back of a garment; split in a piece of lumber (to prevent splitting when drying)
paying; remunerative; advantageous; profitable
broken stones; rubble
split firewood
paying; remunerative; advantageous; profitable
paying; remunerative; advantageous; profitable
to assign; to allot; to divide among; to distribute; to prorate; to assess
splitting the cost; Dutch treat
radish sprout
per capita basis; per capita rate; equal apportionment
to rebate; to give a kickback
sitting posture with the legs bent back on each side; Japanese traditional informal female sitting posture; w-sitting; reverse tailor style sitting
seat allocation; fee paid to an performer (at a vaudeville hall); appearance fee
discount for early booking
to crack (an egg, etc.) into a container
inserted notes
allotment; assignment; allocation; distribution; layout; editing
board breaking; board splitting
to assign; to allot; to divide among; to distribute; to prorate; to assess
rate; ratio; percentage; commission; poundage; percentage
rate; ratio; percentage; commission; poundage; percentage
upper-arm force out
to allot; to distribute; to lay out; to divide among; to assign
vertically segmented administrative system; overcompartmentalized bureaucracy; system in which interministerial rivalry diminishes overall efficiency; (bureaucratic) sectionalism; interministerial rivalry; bureaucratic fiefdoms
inbetween (in animation); inbetweening; tween; quiet move (othello)
draft of a magazine's content (usu. a table showing the allocation of each page)
crushed rock; macadam
breaking open a ceremonial sake barrel
each paying for his own account; sharing the expenses; Dutch treat
to beat (e.g. egg); to whip (e.g. cream)
handicap (go, shogi)
handicap (go, shogi)
the "thirty-percent autonomy" of local governments
to be divisible (by); to be divided without residue (remainder); to be satisfied; to be convinced
income-based levy; per income levy; taxation on income basis
tally impression
discount aimed specifically at those attending a demonstration
split log; split timber; mixer (for an alcoholic drink)
shelving allocation; planogram
break and run out in billiards (9 ball, 8 ball, etc.)
Examples (2 in total)
Sixty percent of Japanese adult males drink alcoholic beverages on a regular basis.
Nearly 80 percent of the land is mountains.