Verb (1-dan, intransitive)
1. to part (usu. of people); to part from; to part with; to be apart from
2. to separate (of a couple); to break up; to divorce
3. to lose (e.g. one's mother); to be bereaved
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (3 in total)
to be separated by death
to be parted from; to be separated
to part in tears
Examples (33 in total)
The two of them split up.
We broke up on Valentine's Day.
Does that mean you want to break up?
Why did you two break up?
The time has come when we must part.
I broke up with her last night.
Tom broke up with his girlfriend.
I plan to break up with her.
I parted from him on the street.
They split up after a year of marriage.
"Didn't you get married!?" "Oh, we split up. We broke our engagement."
John and Mary broke up last week.
They parted with a firm handshake.
She plans to break up with her boyfriend.
Tom and Nancy broke up last month.
Even though they love each other, they broke up.
I parted from him on the bridge.
The two students parted when they reached the corner.
We broke up. To be precise, she broke up with me.
They only stayed together for the sake of their children.
We parted, never to see each other again.
The couple separated, never to see each other again.
We shook hands and parted at the end of our journey.
I recently broke up with my boyfriend of three years.
She had to part with her family when the war began.
The day came at last when he had to part from her.
"Are you and Tom still together?" "No, we split up at the beginning of last month."
The couple parted, never to meet again.
We went together to Laramie, and there we parted.
Brian regrets starting a relationship with her and wants to escape from her.
My friend broke up with his girlfriend and now he wants to go out with me.
I had a girlfriend, but we broke up three months ago.
Two years ago Tom and Mary split up, but recently they got together again.