Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. manual labor; manual labour; toil; work
2. Labour Party
Pitch accent
Composed of
labor; labour; toil; trouble; pains; work
Used in vocabulary (84 in total)
employee; worker; laborer (labourer); blue-collar worker
labor; labour; manpower; working force
heavy labor; heavy labour; hard work; hard labor (in prison); hard labour
manual or physical labor; manual or physical labour
forced labor; forced labour; slave labor; slave labour
brain work; mental work; nonmanual labor
working hours; man-hours
labor union; labour union; trade union
Labor Standards Act
working conditions
labour movement; labor movement
Labour Party; Labor Party; worker's party
means of labor; means of labour
overwork; working too hard
unskilled labor; simple labor; menial job
labor problem; labour problem
labor dispute; labour dispute; industrial dispute; strike
slave labor; slave labour
work clothes
labor market; labour market
labor law; labour law
labor body; labour body; labor organization; labour organization; labor federation; labour federation
physical or manual labor; physical or manual labour
labor standard; labor standards (e.g. bureau, law)
Ministry of Labour (now Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
(socially) necessary labour; necessary work
discretionary work (labour, labor)
work-related injury or death
labor productivity (labour)
(principle of) equal pay for equal work
labor-relations board; labour-relations board
child labor; child labour
labor agitator; labour agitator
the right to work
labour contract (labor)
abstract human labour; abstract human labor
temporary labor; dispatch work
labor agreement; labour agreement
seasonal labor; seasonal labour
Minister of Labor (Labour)
labor efficiency (labour)
wage labor; wage earning
prison labor; prison labour; forced labor; forced labour
Central Labor Relations Committee
unfair labor practices; unfair labour practices
Minister of Labour
labour shortage
labor relations adjustment law (labour)
basic labor rights; basic workers' rights
workers' credit union; labour credit association
Industrial Safety and Health Act
light labor; light labour
two-shift work program (programme)
two-shift work program (programme)
labor offensive; labour offensive
labor camp; labour camp
labor federation; labour federation
labor negotiation; labour negotiation
labor code (labour)
labor's share (of income)
labor attache
not in the work force
Public Corporation and Government Enterprise Labor Relations Law (1949)
National Enterprise Labor Relations Law (1986)
Act on Labor Relationship of Specified Independent Administrative Agency, etc. (2002)
labor-intensive industry; labour-intensive industry
kleptoparasitism; cleptoparasitism
eight-hour working day system
eight-hour working day system
Examples (12 in total)
They labored like slaves.
The function of the machine is to save work.
There has been an explosive increase in the demand for labor.