Adjective (の)
1. (the) positive
2. yang (in Chinese divination)
3. the open; visible place; public place
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (44 in total)
cheerful; jovial; weather; season; spirit of yang
south side of a mountain; Sanyo district
relief (carving)
penis; phallus
positive reaction (to medical test)
positive (result); positive (attitude); cheerful; optimistic
setting sun; decline (e.g. of industry)
phallus; penis
return of spring; long-awaited, favorable turn of fortune (favourable)
cosmic dual forces; yin and yang; sun and moon, etc.
heat haze; shimmer of hot air
diversion (action meant to attract attention away from the real objective); feint
morning sun; sunrise
male god; male deity
cheery person
the positive and the negative
neo-Confucianism (based on the teachings of Wang Yangming and his followers)
cation; positive ion
positive reaction
solar calendar
visibly; openly; publicly
white candlestick (in a candlestick chart); bullish candlestick
anode; plus terminal; positive pole
positive (photographic) image
positive pressure
summer sun; summer
open reward (for anonymous act of charity)
positive predictive value
positive charge; positive electricity
anode ray; positive ray; canal ray
positive plate; anode plate
yang yao (unbroken line composing one third of a trigram)
anhemitonic pentatonic scale (pentatonic scale containing no semitones)
court ladies' residence (in the inner Heian Palace)
explicit method
history of the Ryukyu Kingdom, written in 1743-1745; Ryukyu islands
explicit function
to be highly-reputed and sell extremely well (of a printed literary work); (lit.) to raise the price of paper in Luoyang
anhemitonic pentatonic scale (pentatonic scale containing no semitones)