Usually written in kana
1. appearing ...; looking ...
usu. after the -masu stem of a verb
2. way to ...; method of ...ing
usu. after the -masu stem of a verb
3. form; style; design
usu. after a noun
4. like; similar to
usu. after a noun
5. thing (thought or spoken)
Pitch accent
Top 200
Used in vocabulary (95 in total)
like; similar to; (I) think (that); (I) have a feeling (that); feels like; feels similar to
in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; take care (so as); hoping or wishing for something
seeming to be; appearing to be; like; similar to; in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that
Examples (200 in total)
You seem to be overworked.
He seems to be in trouble.
It seems to be a good house.
Our teacher seemed surprised.
It sounds pretty good.
It seems that it will rain.
Take care not to fail.
It seemed that he was sick.
Everyone looked relieved.
It seemed to be cheap.
It looks like it's going to be sunny.
I felt as if I were in a dream.
It seems warm outside.
He seems to have been rich.
Mary appeared to be sleeping.
He looked bewildered.
I think that my suitcase was stolen.
She seemed to be idle.
Tom seemed conceited.
It seems I have a slight cold.
You seem to have gained some weight.
He's not like us.
She already knew the answer.
He seems as busy as ever.
It seems you have a different opinion.
Her words were like those of an angel.
I think there has been some misunderstanding here.
We prayed for rain.
I was asked to deliver this.
That seems like a personal problem.
It wasn't always this way.
You seem to have the wrong number.
You seem to be a kind person.
You seem to like fruit.
It seems that the computer was infected by a virus.
Gas seems to be escaping from the pipe.
It seems less crowded during the week.
That town looked prosperous.
He seems to have lived in Spain.
I'll tell him to call you back.
Please be careful not to let the dog loose.
He seemed to have been working for a long time.
He had the appearance of a sportsman.
I'm afraid I have a polyp in my nose.
To say the least, he seems to be a bad person.
You didn't seem to want that book.
It seemed that there was no one in the village.
There seems to be no need to go.
It seems like you're not too interested.
We can do nothing about it.
Tell her not to get near the dog.
I will endeavor to complete my task.
It is as if the whole sky were on fire.
She seemed to be satisfied with the result of the exam.
I demanded that she should go.
People seemed to be anxious about the future.
He seemed to be tired from working hard.
I made efforts to improve my grades.
He hurried so as to catch the bus.
Judging by her expression, she looked worried.
The policeman signaled me to stop.
Children should be taught not to tell lies.
Let's talk quietly in order not to wake the baby.
You seem to know me, but I don't know you.
It seemed that her family had moved to Hokkaido.
The little children looked tired from swimming.
That fight seemed like a life-or-death struggle.
The baby seemed to be sleeping a sound sleep.
He seemed surprised by my ignorance.
Do your best to complete the work.
He shouted to us to come.
Please take care of yourself so you don't catch a cold.
Day by day he seemed to get better.
I was bidden to stay behind.
Tom told me to wash my hands.
That tendency is strong among Americans.
His remark seems to be off the point.
As a whole, the plan seems to be good.
It seems that everybody likes golf.
I asked him to make tea.
The surgeon persuaded me to undergo an operation.
She pressured him to quit his job.
He looked uncertain what to do.
You should be careful not to become overconfident.
The economic strength of the USA is not what it was.
There seems to be a large number of people in Japan with high blood pressure.
They demanded that the president resign.
I advise you to be punctual.
I move that the witness be summoned on Monday.
She appeared to have forgotten my name.
I asked him to send us the book.
When I talked with him on the phone, he sounded tired.
Viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud.
She prodded him to work harder.
Our teacher demanded that we keep quiet.
You seem to have mistaken me for my older brother.
The teacher suggested that we go to the library to study.
We bound her to secrecy.
I hope he will succeed in his new position.
She warned him not to go alone.
We should try to obtain peace.
They seemed to be discussing a matter of great importance.
Can you persuade him to join our club?
He seems to have been ill for a long time.
He seemed surprised at the news.
In contrast to her, her husband didn't seem to be enjoying the shopping.
I was called upon to make a speech in English.
The criminal pleaded with him to change his mind.
The officer seemed to be afraid of their revenge.
Would you promise to keep in touch with me?
The police ordered the suspect to drop his gun.
She beckoned me to come in.
I hope you will correct the situation immediately.
I must request you to obey my orders.
They insisted that everything be ready ahead of time.
She seems to be nervous about her first class.
We demanded that she should make up for the loss.
However, Beth seems to be indifferent to Chris's grief.
He seemed to have just woken up from a dream.
Mr. White seems to have many friends.
The fact seemed to irritate her husband.
The doctor advised me not to smoke too much.
We ought to do our best not to pollute our environment.
It was like watching a slow motion movie.
The doctor urged the patient to stop smoking.
Make sure that the complaints are dealt with as quickly as possible.
Did Tom ask you to go to Boston with Mary?
We started early so as not to miss the train.
Betty seemed surprised at the news.
Don't forget to tell the porter to carry our luggage.
This looks like another government cover-up.
Let us hope the world will never be on the brink of a nuclear war.
The judge bound the spectators to keep quiet.
He was destined never to meet her again.
This dog is trained to smell out drugs.
I can't understand what he wants me to do.
He seemed quite puzzled how to answer the question.
She seemed surprised to hear her name called from behind.
I don't like being asked to go shopping.
She looked as though she had seen me somewhere before.
I persuaded him that he should try again.
I left home early so I'd be on time for the meeting.
The shopkeeper urged me to buy it.
The policeman whistled for the car to stop.
They asked me to join the union of the company.
George encouraged Ellie to study hard again.
My comrades encouraged me to fulfill my ambitions.
John's parents seemed relieved to hear that he was safe.
I was told to inform you that your father was killed in an accident.
It seems necessary for you to come again tomorrow.
I'm learning to sew so that I can make myself a dress.
I persuaded him to resign the post.
Tom asked Mary not to play the drums so late at night.
You are asked to produce your permit to get in this center.
The operator told me to hang up and wait for a moment.
This dog is conditioned to bark at strangers.
She asked me to look after her baby in her absence.
The doctor told him to give up smoking and drinking.
I asked him to slowly read off the numbers on the meter.
Tom advised him not to buy the secondhand car.
She was only a shadow of her former self after her illness.
This dog is trained to save people in the mountains.
He required her to explain how she spent money.
I reminded him to write to his mother soon.
You must be more careful to avoid making a gross mistake.
I asked him to come with me and he agreed.
Tell them to call me before they leave.
I sincerely hope that you will soon recover from your illness.
The boss ordered us to work from morning till night.
She always urges him to try new things.
My mother asked me to set the table.
I asked my aunt to tell the stories of her travels.
Some people seemed to think the good times were going to last forever.
I wish you good luck with your new responsibilities.
Would you please tell her to give me a call later on?
He tried to adapt his conduct to his new environment.
Bob told Jane not to interfere in his personal affairs.
She advised him to go to the hospital, but he didn't follow her advice.
Mr. Wood was like a father to Tony.
The aggressive salesman urged me to sign the contract right away.
Please ask her to send me some money.
Seen at a distance, the rock looked like a human face.
You seem to have made considerable progress since I saw you last.
As it's not a very safe area, I want to get home before it's late.
The students were told to turn in reports by the next day.
Your eyes are like corals, dazzling and very pretty.
We are looking forward to your visit to our new office.
If necessary, the government will force estate agents to reduce land prices.
I asked him to answer soon after he received my letter.
On a rainy morning he left his house early so as to be in time for school.
The teacher told the pupils to put those words down in their notebooks.
Homeroom teachers should make every effort to keep in touch with their students.
I phoned my son before boarding the plane, telling him to come to the airport to pick me up.
The students seem to be sleepy today.
I asked him to open the window.
She looked pleased with her new job.
She told me to open the window.
Tomoko asked her friends to come to her party.
The Japanese embassy has warned Japanese citizens to be careful.
The government ordered that the price of soap be reduced by two pence.