1. world; society; public
2. life; lifetime
3. age; era; period; epoch; generation
4. reign; rule
5. the times
6. world (of existence)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (44 in total)
(imperial) reign; period
heir; successor
eternalness; forever unchanging; distant land over the sea; world of the dead
long era; ages; eternity
ancient time; age of the gods
society; the world; the times
the other world; the next world; the world beyond; world after death
this world; this life; world of the living
for generations; hereditary; generation after generation
thousand years; very long period; forever
public opinion; popular voice; public sentiment; consensus
extremely; very
generations; ages; years
fleeting life; this transient world; sad world; world of grief and worry; the world of the living; this life
the people; the public; the world
ordinary; run-of-the-mill; usual
world reformation
the end of the world; the world is beyond saving; there's no hope for the future; this degenerate age; what is this world coming to
after ages; posterity; future life; the next world
making a living; getting on in the world; subsistence
what is called; what they call; so-called
if times were better; if one had been born at an earlier, more opportune time; if times had not changed; if I had my due
very long period; forever; eight thousand years
living; livelihood
for generations; hereditary; generation after generation
thousands of years; eternity; all generations
the way of the world; the lay of the land; the inescapable circumstances (of life)
heyday; prime; one's glory; the height of one's prosperity
Imperial reign; Kimigayo (Japanese national anthem)
previous existence
in traveling, a companion; in life, sympathy
previous existence
three temporal states of existence; past, present and future
heartrending; desperate; hopeless; full of grief
all's right with the world; all is as it should be
current of the times
this transient world
times and situations; the course of events of the times; a turn of Fortune's wheel
seven generations of (celestial) gods
glorious reign of the Emperor
world conditions; the times
last days
in traveling, companionship; in life, kindness
Examples (4 in total)
Light has come into the world.
When you want to fool the world, tell the truth.
Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!