Adjective (な)
1. advantageous; favourable; better; stronger
2. profitable; lucrative; gainful; paying
Pitch accent
Composed of
Excellent (grade); A; superiority; excellence; gentle; graceful
advantage; benefit; profit; interest
Used in vocabulary (6 in total)
to gain an advantage; to enjoy an advantage; to turn the tables (on)
advantage or disadvantage
rationalization (modifying part of an irrational expression, esp. denominators, to exclude roots or irrational numbers)
situation (turn of events) being favorable (advantageous)
interest-bearing liabilities; interest-bearing debt; debt with interest; liability with interest
to be advantageous; to be a favorite (to win)
Examples (13 in total)
She has an advantage over me.
It is an advantage to be able to use a computer.
The decision was in favor of the defendant.