Adjective (の)
1. anaesthesia; anesthesia
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
anesthetic; anaesthetic; narcotic
anesthesiologist; anaesthesiologist; anesthetist; anaesthetist
anesthesiologist; anaesthesiologist; anesthetist; anaesthetist
tranquilizer gun; tranquiliser gun
general anesthesia; general anaesthesia
anesthetic; anaesthetic; narcotic
local anesthesia; local anaesthesia
local anesthetic; local anaesthetic
local anesthesia; local anaesthesia; local anaesthetic; local anesthetic
epidural anaesthesia; epidural anesthesia
anesthetic injection; anaesthetic injection
pediatric anesthesia
anesthesia by acupuncture
anesthesiology; anaesthesiology
spinal anesthesia
hypothermic anesthesia; hypothermic anaesthesia
anesthesiology; anaesthesiology
Examples (2 in total)
Nitrous oxide stopped being used as an anaesthetic a long time ago.
The injured person wailed with pain after recovering from the anaesthesia.