Verb (する)
1. guarantee; security; assurance; pledge; warranty
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (34 in total)
deposit (esp. on renting a house); security money; bond payment; guarantee
guarantor; surety; sponsor; reference; bondsman
security guarantee (e.g. military security, network security, etc.)
Examples (22 in total)
We guarantee our products for one year.
We can't promise anything.
Freedom of thought is guaranteed by the constitution.
I can assure you of your success.
I guarantee the success of the show.
And what guarantee is there that you won't cover up the evidence?
We guarantee after-sales service and parts.
They guaranteed regular employment to their workers.
I can assure you of his reliability.
The principal assured me of her honesty.
There is a one-year guarantee on this toaster.
The art dealer guaranteed the picture genuine.
There is no guarantee that he'll be back next week.
I guarantee that this information is correct.
I can give you a copy of the report, but I can't vouch for its accuracy.
Some companies guarantee their workers a job for life.
In the U.S., freedom of religion is one of the guarantees of the Bill of Rights.
Should the word processor go wrong, we guarantee to replace it free of charge.
A 6% yield is guaranteed on the investment.
Full religious freedom is assured to all people.
The manufacturer guaranteed the new machine for 5 years.
Japan guaranteed a 2 billion yen aid package to developing countries.