1. ship; boat; watercraft; vessel; seaplane
舟 is often small and hand-propelled
2. tank; tub; vat; trough
3. counter for boat-shaped containers (e.g. of sashimi)
Pitch accent
Top 44600
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
tugboat; tug; towboat; tugging (a boat); towing; towage
to board a ship
black ships; Western ships that came to Japan between the 16th and 19th centuries, esp. those of the Perry Expedition in 1853; foreign disruptor (of the Japanese market); product, person, etc. arriving from the West and disturbing the Japanese market
Examples (131 in total)
The ship is called "Lost Ship."
I know a lot about ships.
The ship is sailing to the west.
The boat sank to the bottom.
He traveled by boat.
The ship changed its course.
The goods were transported by ship.
The ship was sailing at full speed.
The ship was at sea.
I name this ship the Queen Elizabeth.
The ship set sail.
The ship dropped anchor.
The boats collided head on.
The ship was wrecked on a sunken reef.
The course of the ship was straight east.
The ship went through the Suez Canal.
The ship went through the Panama Canal.
I slept aboard the ship.
A white ship came into view.
The ship was soon out of sight.
What a big ship that is!
She enjoyed the life on board.
We caught sight of a ship in the distance.
It is clear that the ship sank.
Their ship struck a rock.
The boat passed under the bridge.
The ship gradually came in sight.
The ship rolled from side to side in the storm.
We crossed the lake in a boat.
What's the destination of this ship?
They warned the ship of the danger.
A ship sank near here yesterday.
They pulled their boat up onto the beach.
He was picked up by a passing ship.
The boat was equipped with radar.
They were rescued by a passing ship.
The ship from New York will arrive before long.
This ship is driven by steam.
The captain controls the whole ship.
He caught sight of a ship in the distance.
The ship was bound for Kobe.
The crew abandoned the ship.
A big ship appeared on the horizon.
The ship is at anchor in the harbor.
The ship capsized in the middle of the ocean.
He fell overboard and drowned.
The ship was bound for Cairo.
A tanker is a ship carrying oil.
A pilot guides the ship toward the port.
Our ship docked at Marseilles.
The ship discharged its cargo in Panama.
This ship is bound for Vancouver.
The ship set sail for Bombay.
The ship loaded in two days.
The ship was flying the American flag.
The ship is bound for the Gulf of Mexico.
This boat sails through the Strait of Gibraltar.
The ship was carrying a lot of passengers on board.
A boat suddenly appeared out of the mist.
The island is easy to reach by boat.
Traveling by boat takes longer than going by car.
The ship is now in the harbor.
Do you travel by sea or by air?
The two ships went down at once.
There are many rats on the ship.
The ship sailed along the coast of Shikoku.
They built the ship in accordance with the plans.
The harbor is closed to navigation.
I plan to go to Hawaii by ship.
Our boat approached the small island.
I believe the ship will arrive on schedule.
Ships and helicopters left for the spacemen's rescue.
The ship sounded its whistle and pulled away from the pier.
The ship was drifting at the mercy of the waves.
Did you ever travel abroad by ship?
That ship crossed the equator yesterday.
The ship set sail only to be wrecked two days after.
The ship transports raw materials from Indonesia.
The boat drifted out to sea.
He taught them how to sail ships.
We named the boat the Half Moon.
A woman fell from a ship into the sea.
Do you see that ship near the island?
This is the last food there is on this boat.
After the wind has stopped, let's sail the boat off to the open sea.
The brave captain saved his ship.
The sailors abandoned the burning ship.
The ship was built at considerable expense.
He looked at the ship through his telescope.
This is a picture of the ship that Tom and I were on.
He named the ship the Swallow.
The vessel was loaded with coal, lumber, and so on.
This ship is too big to pass through the canal.
The mast broke and our ship went adrift.
We sail for San Francisco on Monday.
The ship sails for Honolulu tomorrow.
The ship sank with all her crew on board.
He once sailed up the Thames.
They named the ship Queen Mary after the Queen.
I didn't even know about that ship until I got back.
The ship made slow progress against the strong wind.
At a distance, the ship looks like an island.
It was not by plane, but by ship, that I went to London.
People build houses, dams, bridges, ships and so on.
The ships left the port never to be seen again.
The ship Tom's grandfather was on was sunk by a torpedo.
I never get seasick because I am used to traveling by boat.
I have a friend whose father is the captain of a big ship.
The ship carried hundreds of emigrants to the US.
A society without religion is like a ship without a compass.
I was told to go not by boat but by plane, which advice I followed.
They came to the conclusion that the ship must have sunk.
There are thirty people on board.
You had better have gone by ship.
The ship sailed down the river.
When is the ship leaving?
The party went to China by sea.
The ship had three decks.
The ship arrived at the port on schedule.
There was a ship sailing on the sea.
They sailed around the world.
The length of this ship is 30 meters.
They're loading coal into the ship now.
The travelers took a ferry across the river.
It was a ship with a crew of 25 sailors.
They sank ten enemy ships.
He served as the pilot of the ship.
We saw another ship far ahead.
These men had come to his country in three ships.
It took me more than a week to put the model ship together.
The passengers were asleep in their cabins when the ship hit a huge iceberg.