1. talk; speech; chat; conversation
2. topic; subject
3. discussions; negotiation; argument
4. rumor; talk; hearsay
5. tale; story; fable
6. circumstances; particulars
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (57 in total)
story; tale; talk; discussion
to address (someone); to accost a person; to talk (to someone); to begin to talk; to start a conversation
to have a talk; to tell a story
Examples (200 in total)
A really lovely story!
I don't want to talk about it.
Who did you want to talk to?
Let's stop talking about this.
They stopped talking.
I don't want to know that kind of story.
Were you listening to me?
I want to talk with him.
I can't talk with people.
Is his story true?
I want to talk to you.
We don't talk much.
You don't talk much, do you?
His story sounds strange.
Can we change the subject?
Stop talking about the game.
All the stories are interesting.
The following is his story.
Don't take it personally.
What a cheerful story!
They are talking past each other.
I'm sick and tired of his story.
Don't interrupt our conversation.
That's an awfully fishy story.
Stop talking about this.
"Is his story true?" "I'm afraid not."
Where did you hear that story?
She kept on talking while eating.
Tell me about the person you like!
The story goes that he was murdered.
I haven't heard that story yet.
Is this story true?
The story seems to be true.
Are you listening to him?
Let's talk about something more fun!
I say the same thing over and over.
No one believed his story.
His story made us laugh.
This and that are two different stories.
A friend told me that story.
He suddenly stopped talking.
Stop talking about my family.
He was delighted at the story.
Your story doesn't square with the facts.
Do you think her story is false?
I am interested in this story.
Let's not talk about money, OK?
He didn't participate in the story.
His story must be true.
I want to talk to him about it.
What a sad story this is!
Part of the story is true.
That story can be true.
The story can't be true.
No one will trust his story.
Did you talk about your hobby?
The story cannot be true.
Will you please stop talking about food?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Let's hear a story of his travels.
His story can't be false.
I've heard this story scores of times.
Let's not talk about this now.
The story was very interesting.
Let's not talk about work.
The story is not in accord with the facts.
I thought it was just a story for children.
He got interested in the story.
His story sounds convincing.
Everybody was thrilled by his story.
What he has said is contrary to fact.
That's absolute nonsense!
I felt drawn to his story.
The focus of the talk is put on the content.
The ceremony began with his speech.
According to her, he isn't coming.
His talk is always pleasant to listen to.
Can his story be true?
I also heard a similar story.
I've heard that story before.
I don't know whether the story is true or not.
She knew the story already.
Let's get together and talk about old times.
The stories in this book are really scary.
He regarded the story as a joke.
It'd be better not to talk about that here.
The story was handed down from father to son.
I couldn't understand a single word of what they said.
She is good at making up interesting stories.
It is really quite a good story.
Dad knows a lot of funny stories.
This story is too complex for children.
I know the whole of the story.
I've never heard of such a strange story.
Man is the only animal that talks.
He amused the children with the story.
I was very impressed by his story.
It would take a long time to tell the whole story.
That story is a famous one that everyone knows.
This story is by far more interesting than that one.
His story wasn't appropriate for the occasion.
I was very moved by his story.
We can not carry on conversation in such a noisy room.
Your story doesn't corroborate what I've heard before.
Don't talk about business at dinner.
I can't possibly think your story is true.
I have heard this story scores of times.
He listened to the story with his eyes shining.
I was completely deceived by her story.
Several newspapers published the story.
Everybody was interested in the story.
The story sounds true.
Are you joking or are you serious?
The talk dragged on till three o'clock.
Only a few people listened to him.
His stories entertained us for hours.
He's not coming, according to Mary.
I couldn't help laughing when I heard that story.
You should have listened to him more carefully.
I can't bring myself to trust his story.
I think I have heard that story before.
You will have heard this story before.
We were deeply moved by her story.
Go on with your story. That is so interesting!
Everyone laughed at the story.
Please don't let me hear any more of that story.
I heard that story once.
We could not help laughing at his story.
The story is very interesting to me.
Many a story has been told about him.
He doubted the truth of her story.
The telephone rang at the most crucial point in the conversation.
Promise me you won't tell anyone about what we just talked about. Please.
That's too good a story to be true.
She ended her speech with some jokes.
His story will be more and more interesting.
She was shocked when she heard his story.
I am very interested in these stories.
His speech got awfully boring.
We are looking forward to hearing about your trip.
Tell me as much about that as possible.
She read the children an amusing story.
Good doctors listen to their patients.
Her story can't be true. She often tells lies.
Let's start the ball rolling by introducing ourselves.
The story goes that he really had nothing to do with it.
I may put this story on the stage.
I did speak, but no one listened to me.
All the people present were moved by his speech.
Don't play dumb. You know very well what we're talking about.
Children want to hear the same story over and over again.
Strange as it is, the story is true.
He hung up before I finished.
It is said that treasure is buried in this area.
Your story reminded me of my younger days.
This story might sound unbelievable but it is true.
The girls began to laugh when they heard the story.
This story may sound strange, but it's absolutely true.
I wish you hadn't told that story to my mother.
Seeing me, they suddenly stopped talking.
I wanted to meet and talk with the girl at the window.
Please don't cut in while I'm talking with him.
I've never heard of such a frightening story before.
He could not bring himself to believe her story.
Now that Father is gone, we can talk freely.
The story reminds me of an experience I had long ago.
The real war is much more horrible than this story.
I may have told you this story before.
His story is well worth listening to.
I think I've heard that somewhere before.
I remember hearing a very similar story to that.
Because it is written in simple English even a child can understand it.
My uncle told me the story by way of a joke.
The speech of the scholar is well worth listening to.
They stopped talking as soon as I came into the room.
I want to have a talk with him about the matter.
When they heard the story, they burst into laughter.
I have never heard such stories as he tells.
That story brings to mind the person I met in New York.
He needs a few jokes to lighten up his talk.
He rewrote the story into a completely different one.
I asked him to stop talking, but he still went on.
Assuming what you say is true, what should I do?
There were hardly any teachers at the school that students could talk to.
Well, I think it's time the real story was told.
The emphasis of his talk was on the need to work hard.
I tried to change the subject, but they went on talking about politics.
This story says a lot about what has happened to America.
I remember reading about a dog that had eaten its owner.
She would rather listen to others than talk herself.
No one ever knew the true story except the three of us.
The policeman did not believe my story, and I thought it was no good arguing with him.
If walls could talk, what stories would they tell us?
Now here is a story about a Japanese girl named Haru-chan.
Whatever story I tell, Mother believes me.
Have you seen the second episode?
The story didn't sound true.
Do you want to know my secret? It's very simple...
We often hear about an energy crisis these days.
Tell me that story you heard from your brother.