Adjective (い)
1. violent; furious; tempestuous
2. extreme; intense; fierce; strong
3. fervent; vehement
4. incessant; relentless
5. precipitous; steep
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Examples (58 in total)
They fought a fierce battle.
We fought a hard battle.
There was a violent storm at sea.
The traffic is heavy here.
There is heavy traffic in this street.
Competition is very keen in the car industry.
The consumer price index has been fluctuating wildly.
There was an intense pain in my head.
It was raining good and hard.
His opposition was more violent than I had bargained for.
The wind is blowing very hard.
We had heavy rainfall last night.
Strong winds accompanied the rain.
We anticipate a heavy rainfall tomorrow.
It rained heavily in the morning.
We had a heavy rain last night.
He resisted arrest violently.
The rain was beating hard against the windowpane.
The rain was lashing against the windows.
They began to make violent attacks against the enemy.
A fierce battle was fought by the soldiers.
The storm became even more violent.
I felt my heart beating violently.
Far from stopping, the storm became much more intense.
The two teams fought very hard.
We are in a fierce competition with that company.
The views of the two politicians collide violently.
It has been raining heavily for three hours.
Prices were strictly regulated during the war.
The question was hotly disputed in the meeting.
He suffered terrible pain from his injuries.
A loud knocking at the door woke him up.
Cold winds blow hard every winter.
He had an intense hatred of his teacher.
External pressure grows ever more intense.
She cried and cried, but no one came to comfort her.
She'd better tame that violent temper.
Just as I was about to go out, it started raining.
It began to snow heavily as I got off the train.
Not only were there strong winds yesterday, but also it rained heavily.
We couldn't play outdoors because of the intense heat.
Since it was raining, Nancy hesitated to go out.
The bribery scandal created a backlash overseas.
The wind was blowing violently, and to make matters worse, it began raining.
War results only in senseless and violent destruction.
The enemy made a strong attack on that building.
He lay in agony until the doctor arrived.
The game would not have been called off if it hadn't rained so heavily.
Though it stopped raining, the wind was still blowing hard.
There was a violent clash of opinions between the two leaders.
There was a heated argument as to who should be appointed chairman.
The allies defeated the evil empire in the fierce battle.
I had a little fever, I felt my heart beat violently.
Nothing is more pleasant than taking a rest after hard work.
Aya likes intense colors, such as hot pink, electric blue and deep purple.
It rained so hard that we decided to visit him on another day.
My kid is shy around strangers and always hides behind me.
It rained hard all day.