1. report; notification; registration
Kanji used
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
delivery (of a package, goods, etc.)
article to be delivered; present
report; notification
to report; to notify
destination; receiver's address; consignee
gift; present; tip; bribe
filing a (criminal) complaint; reporting a crime
without notice; without leave (e.g. absence); unregistered; unreported (e.g. marriage, business, etc.)
official divorce registration papers
to give notice; to submit notice
report of a school absence
report of death; notification of a death
delivery (of a package, goods, etc.)
report of late arrival; tardy slip
notification of change; alteration report; registration of modification
report of an absence (at work)
written request for permission to leave early (school, work, etc.)
(written) resignation from a political party; notice of resignation from a party
reported; notified; registered
failing to report; unreported; not officially registered (e.g. spouse)
(written) report or notification
absence permission slip
hiking registration (name, itinerary, emergency contact, etc.)
notice of absence; form requesting post office to hold mail during an extended absence; missed-delivery notice
absence permission slip; authorized absence form
registered seal (used to open and operate a bank account)