Adjective (な)
1. sure; certain; positive; definite
2. reliable; trustworthy; safe; sound; firm; accurate; correct; exact
3. If I'm not mistaken; If I remember correctly; If I remember rightly
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (7 in total)
surely; certainly
unreliable; uncertain; indefinite; unclear
confirmation; certification; ascertainment
Examples (36 in total)
I'm certain.
Are you sure about that?
His information is certain.
Are you sure of your answer?
It is certain that prices will go up.
There is one thing that is certain.
It is certain that he will come here.
It is certain that he will agree with us.
I heard this from a safe source.
It is certain that he passed the examination.
It is certain that the price of gold will go up.
I am certain that he will quit his job.
I believe this fish is a freshwater fish.
It is certain that Lucy will marry the pop singer.
I'm sure you're quite busy.
They failed to get any definite information.
That we will win the game is certain.
It is certain that he will agree to your plan.
The report has yet to be confirmed.
Are you sure nobody's hurt?
It is certain that he is in Hawaii now.
It is certain that he missed the train.
Are you sure Tom isn't allergic to peanuts?
Are you sure you saw someone on the bridge?
I got the news from a reliable source.
He has two sons, I believe.
I think he is from Australia, but I'm not sure.
The baseball team is certain to win the next game.
The surest way to prevent war is not to fear it.
I'm pretty sure he came late on purpose.
It is certain that he helped them for his own benefit.
"Who do you think will come first?" "It definitely won't be Tom."
If I remember correctly, Tom's birthday is October 20th.
No matter who you are or where you are from, one thing is certain.
It is certain that the plane will reach there on time.
I'm not sure if George will like this idea.