1. typhoon; hurricane
Pitch accent
Composed of
method; manner; appearance; air; tendency; folk song (genre of the Shi Jing)
Used in vocabulary (10 in total)
eye of a typhoon
clear weather after a typhoon has passed
typhoon-strength (winds, etc.)
Examples (54 in total)
The typhoon is gone.
A typhoon is coming.
A big typhoon is coming on.
We had a typhoon yesterday.
A big typhoon is approaching.
A typhoon is approaching Japan.
The island was struck by the typhoon.
Many a tree was blown down by the typhoon.
Will the typhoon hit Tokyo you suppose?
The typhoon moved in a westerly direction.
We have had lots of typhoons this fall.
We couldn't go out because of the typhoon.
The tree had been blown down by the typhoon of the day before.
The storm developed into a typhoon.
Not a few houses were destroyed in the typhoon.
Japan is hit by typhoons every year.
Typhoons strike Japan every year.
All communication with the mainland was cut off by the typhoon.
Happily the crops were not harmed by the typhoon.
The damage from the typhoon was enormous.
The typhoon claimed many lives.
The typhoon did great damage to the rice crop.
The typhoon did much damage to the crops.
The typhoon may cross the Tohoku district.
The typhoon destroyed many houses.
We got our roof damaged by the typhoon.
Typhoons generally head for Japan.
Typhoons are frequent in this region.
The typhoon left behind a trail of destruction.
According to the news, there will be a typhoon tomorrow.
The meeting was canceled because of the typhoon.
Typhoons are frequent there in fall.
The typhoon caused great damage to the crops.
A severe typhoon has done much damage to property.
Tokyo is subject to typhoons in summer.
The Tokaido Line was crippled by the typhoon.
What should we do if a typhoon comes?
The typhoon did great damage to the village.
Today's paper says that a typhoon is coming.
The typhoon caused immeasurable damage.
If there's a typhoon tomorrow, does that mean I don't have to go to work?
He stood close to her and tried to protect her from the typhoon.
The most important thing to do when a typhoon occurs is to not go outside.
Even the strongest man can't stop a typhoon.
Today's paper says that another typhoon is on its way.
According to the weather forecast, the typhoon is approaching Okinawa.
We will never forget the day the typhoon ruined the crops.
Today's paper says that a big typhoon is approaching.
"Tom, do you have school today?" "No, classes were canceled because of the typhoon."
There are many things that harm young saplings, such as insects, car exhaust, and typhoons.
Shikoku was hit by Typhoon No. 10.
Three-fourths of the town was destroyed by the typhoon.
In the last typhoon, the wind blew at over 200 kilometers per hour!
On September 26, 1959, the strongest typhoon in Japan's recorded history hit Nagoya.