1. federation; federal state
2. United States of America
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (3 in total)
United States of America
United States of America
United Mexican States (Mexico)
Examples (33 in total)
The United States is in the Northern Hemisphere.
I have never been to the U.S.
The United States has many kinds of climates.
Canada is to the north of the United States.
Corn is an important crop in the United States.
Jones was born in the United States.
The United States was once part of the British Empire.
The United States is a republic, the United Kingdom is not.
Who do you think will be elected president of the USA?
Japan and the United States became friendly nations.
My sister works at the United States Embassy in London.
Both Canada and Mexico border on the United States.
Los Angeles is the second largest city in the United States.
Lincoln set out to abolish slavery in the United States.
He was raised in the United States, but his native language is Japanese.
John ordered the book from the publisher in the United States.
Ken is going to the United States at the end of July.
Have you ever been to Washington, the capital of the United States of America?
Mr Kennedy was inaugurated as the President of the United States.
In Japan, relations between neighbors are apt to be cooler than in USA.
There are few legal constraints on the sale of firearms in the U.S.
Why does the US government let people have guns?
The ship carried hundreds of emigrants to the US.
Kato asked him many questions about the United States.
Unless Japan eliminates its unfair tariffs, the U.S. will impose sanctions.
We regard Dr. Brown as the best heart specialist in the United States.
Last year when I was in the United States, I had almost no opportunity to speak Japanese.
The U.S. government is to impose two of the sanctions against those countries.
The United States annexed Texas in 1845.
In 1860, Lincoln was elected President of the United States.
Reagan became President of the United States in 1981.
Japan declared war on the United States in December, 1941.
In the U.S., as many as 216 million firearms are said to be in private hands.