1. (school) subject; curriculum; course
2. item; heading; entry
Pitch accent
Composed of
department; section; course (of study); branch of study; (taxonomical) family
order; item (of a budget revision, etc.); counter for go pieces; counter for surrounded positions (in go)
Used in vocabulary (8 in total)
elective subject or course
compulsory subject; required subject
required subject; compulsory course
Examples (19 in total)
What subjects do you study at school?
What subjects do you like best?
Why did you choose such a subject?
How many credits is this course?
My favorite subject is math.
What subject do you major in?
What subjects are you taking at school?
We study many subjects in high school.
He outdoes me in every subject.
Mathematics is Albert's favorite subject.
History is not his major subject.
This is my favorite subject.
Please advise me which subject I should choose.
My daughter's favourite subject at school is art.
When I was at high school the subjects I liked were geography and history.
He did well in all subjects and, above all, in mathematics.
We have two lessons in the afternoon.
He has to take two science classes.
We study English, and that subject is important today.