1. shadow; silhouette; figure; shape
2. reflection; image
3. ominous sign
4. light (stars, moon)
5. trace; shadow (of one's former self)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
divine spirit; spirit of the dead
shade; shadow; sunshine
face; looks; vestiges; trace
Examples (11 in total)
It's a shadow.
The garden is still in shadow.
His shadow on the wall looked sad.
He is even afraid of his own shadow.
They have but the shadow of freedom.
The girl was afraid of her own shadow.
A shadow of anxiety swept across her face.
I saw a shadow move behind that tree!
By evening the shadow of the tree reached the wall.
It appeared without warning— no sound, not even a shadow.
She was only a shadow of her former self after her illness.