1. shadow; silhouette; figure; shape
2. reflection; image
3. ominous sign
4. light (stars, moon)
5. trace; shadow (of one's former self)
Pitch accent
Top 44800
Used in vocabulary (39 in total)
face; looks; vestiges; trace
divine spirit; spirit of the dead
figure of a person; figures of people; shadow of a person
shade; shadow; sunshine
figure of a person; figures of people; shadow of a person
shadow of a leaf or tree
form of a retreating person's body
shadow picture; silhouette; shadowgraph
mere shadow of one's former self; having no trace left (of former glories, talent, looks, etc.); unrecognizable (as the person one used to be); unrecognisable
shadow of a leaf or tree
gloomy (of a person); dark; cheerless
body double; double; wire puller; person behind the scenes; shadow commander
to cast a shadow
to cast a shadow; to appear; to loom (of a threat, etc.); to manifest (of symptoms, etc.)
to disappear; to vanish
disappear without a trace; nowhere to be seen
to mirror the image (of)
in the background; not standing out
to project a shadow; to cast a shadow
light of the setting sun; figure lit by the evening sun
moonlight; moon; moonbeams
in the background; not standing out
rise and fall; ups and downs; shame and glory; bright side and dark side; (lit.) light and shadow
inconspicuous; unobtrusive; low-profile
faint outlines of an island; vague shape of an island; silhouette of an island
under the sod; one's grave; the other world
speak of the devil
form; shape; figure
shadow of a bird; sighting of a bird
sight of a sail (in the distance)
lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis)
person always at one's side
narration from backstage (theatre, television)
morning sunlight
inseparably; always together
shadow cabinet
at all times; at any time; in rain or shine; reliably
announcement from backstage (theatre, television)
Examples (11 in total)
It's a shadow.
The garden is still in shadow.
His shadow on the wall looked sad.