1. the end
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (16 in total)
to the end
the end of the line; the end of the road; curtains
toward the end
Examples (41 in total)
It never ends.
This is the end.
The game is over.
This war is over.
The end of the world is nearing.
The summer drew near to its end.
That was the end of the class.
The period at the end of the sentence is missing.
The vacation is close to an end.
My internship ends today.
What do you do after work?
His life came to a close.
It's time you stopped watching television.
Break's over! Back to work!
All things must have an end.
Let's put a stop to this discussion.
Don't worry. It's not the end of the world.
She is coming home at the end of this month.
Prizes will be awarded at the end of the contest.
Let's end this discussion.
There will be an economic crisis at the end of this year.
It's not over when you lose, it's over when you give up.
Only the dead have seen the end of war.
He went to Paris at the end of May.
The story concluded abruptly.
Your time is up.
Come to my office at the end of this month.
I suggested that we bring the meeting to an end.
Your college years will soon come to an end.
The priest blessed the congregation at the end of the mass.
By and by the party ended and everyone went home.
He left Japan at the end of the year.
I was bored with his endless sermon.
Mother has been sick in bed since the end of last month.
The concert was all but over when I arrived.
Ken is going to the United States at the end of July.
Finally, the discord between them came to an end.
I'll mail this questionnaire as soon as I finish.
I am hoping to put an end to our unhappy relationship.
I've always depended on you. But that's over now.
Prophets have been forecasting the end of the world for centuries.