Adjective (い)
1. warm; mild; (pleasantly) hot
暖かい usu. refers to air temperature
2. considerate; kind; genial
Kanji used
warm (to the touch)
Pitch accent
Examples (21 in total)
The water was warm.
Let's eat while the food is warm.
His lips were warm.
The bread was still warm.
The rice was still warm.
I want to eat warm soup.
Thank you for your warm words.
I remember the warmth of his arms.
He has a warm heart.
What we need now is something hot to drink.
I'm looking for a warm, woolen skirt.
I can remember the warmth of her hands.
Actually, the earth is getting warmer.
What I want now is hot coffee.
She shot a warm smile at the old lady.
There's nothing like a good hot bath.
My colleagues welcomed me very warmly.
Feel the top and see how warm it is.
I will never forget their warm hands.
If I take a hot shower, the mirror in the bathroom fogs up.
She moved to a warmer place for the sake of her health.