1. blindness; blind person
2. illiteracy; illiterate person
when read as "めくら"
3. ignorance; ignoramus
when read as "めくら"
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
reckless; blind; without knowing; at random
approving a document without adequately reading it; rubber-stamping
blind snake (esp. the Brahminy blind snake, Ramphotyphlops braminus); worm snake; fools rush in
deerfly (Chrysops suavis)
illiterate or blind person; person who sees without understanding; amaurosis
some are wise and some are otherwise; (lit.) one thousand with their eyes open; one thousand blind
some are wise and some are otherwise; (lit.) one thousand blind; one thousand with their eyes open
tenement house with no windows
sudden blindness; one suddenly blinded
false window; blind window
feigned blindness
blindly groping
windowless wall
blind pass; passing (a ball) without looking
hagfish (esp. the species Myxine garmani from Japan)