1. face; mug
often derog. or vulg.
2. surface
3. cheek meat
4. cheek; cheeks
5. surrounding area
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
frown; scowl; grimace
sulky look; sullen look
frown; scowl; grimace
fierce or defiant look; determined expression; plucky countenance
provoking; offensive
surface; appearances
side of face
disgrace; shame
sulky look; sullen look
tearful face
side of face
how could I (you, etc.) ...?; how dare you (they, etc.) ...; how can you have the nerve to ...?
grimace; sullen face
surface; appearances; exterior
tearful face
spiteful remarks
surface of the water; face of the water
shameless; bold; brazen
red face; villain (in kabuki, jōruri, etc.)
expression; look
like water off a duck's back; (lit.) water on a frog's face
like water off a duck's back; (lit.) water on a frog's face
like water off a duck's back; (lit.) urine on a frog's face
like water off a duck's back; (lit.) urine on a frog's face
flushness (esp. of wheels and fenders on an automobile); tsuraichi
face and eyes; look; expression; features
putting in an appearance; showing one's face